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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: simmiecal on 2006 October 21, 21:08:46

Title: Commercials are back
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 October 21, 21:08:46
I believe someone said that Uni disabled commercials. I got the base game and uni at the same time and don't ever remember seeing commericals. There is one for a car - not sure if that's a new or old commercial. There's another one that involves pets - looks like it might be an ad for a TV show. Any one else notice the commericals?

Title: Re: Commercials are back
Post by: Aldebaran on 2006 October 21, 21:11:00
I think I saw one that involved pizza (on the Sports channel, maybe?). I only saw it for a few moments, but I think it wasn't there before :)

Title: Re: Commercials are back
Post by: jrd on 2006 October 21, 21:15:37
Now THAT is good news. I missed them.

Title: Re: Commercials are back
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 October 21, 21:20:08
On the sports channel, there's now a boxing fight - don't remember that one. The "commercial" or whatever it is shows two dogs running around a neighborhood terrorizing people. At the end, they corner a kid in a playground and the kids wets themself!  Can't believe I'm watching sims tv!   :D

Title: Re: Commercials are back
Post by: Aldebaran on 2006 October 21, 21:39:27
I remember hearing the boxing fight, well, at least the gong before the round. I saw the dog + cat terrorizing sims, a pizza commercial, one that looks like a comm for a soap opera and a strange one with social bunnies :D stops watching sims watching tv

During those few minutes I watched it, the sim's meanest cat just came over and plopped down to watch it with her :) I think this random cute act saved its sorry ass from getting pawned off to some unfortunate soul :D

Title: Re: Commercials are back
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 October 22, 02:45:34
Cooking channel had the two dogs and some sort of disturbing Social Bunny Kids Show.