More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 21, 19:46:33

Title: For frickin frack's fruggin SAKE
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 21, 19:46:33
This is driving me madder than a bucketload of eels. It started on one particular lot but seems to be more infectious than a syphilitic whore in a free brothel.
NONE of my Sims seem to sleep through the night anymore. I have the adults behaving like Elders (minus the incontinence fortunately) kids waking up at all hours and teens arsing about at 2AM.
I have only MATY hacks, College Adjuster and the plants one. What the hell is going on here?

Title: Re: For frickin frack's fruggin SAKE
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 21, 20:02:59

Title: Re: For frickin frack's fruggin SAKE
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 21, 20:29:48
I make no doubt that it is as the Awesome One has spoken. But why did the sleep thing go tits-up in the first place?

Title: Re: For frickin frack's fruggin SAKE
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 21, 20:54:40
Beats me.

Title: Re: For frickin frack's fruggin SAKE
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2006 October 21, 20:57:09
I was wondering that too.  Maybe the sims are thinking 'ZZZOMGPETSlikwemusrazzleemnow!!!!!!!'.  Too much excitement about the new expansion to sleep through the night!

Please excuse my pitiful attempt at SMSspeak.  I find it difficult to type without full sentences.

Title: Re: For frickin frack's fruggin SAKE
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 21, 21:21:14
Hah! my Sims are more likely to be thinking "OMGFFSASPYRSUCKS" because I'm mac-using and don't expect to see "OMGPETZ2CUTE" much before Christmas.
You can only hope that would be Christmas this frickin year if I'm lucky
Am I feeling lucky punk?