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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: cwykes on 2006 October 20, 00:06:46

Title: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: cwykes on 2006 October 20, 00:06:46
I've been playing a couple of bakeries and notice that when I click to "make many" and then click "more" to get to the food items I can't see, it just sits there stuck.  The second level pie menu is not appearing and I have to hit escape to get out of it.  It happens most of the time with "Make many....more", but not all the time.  I think it also happened on another pie menu with a "more" option.  I'm not getting any error messages or error logs. 

I have base game and OFB only, both patched and a good selection of MATY hacks including the updated lotdebugger.  I think it started after I added that one, but that could be co-incidence as I wasn't playing bakeries before that.  I already had one surprise with the new debugger -  when I tried the cycle through LTW option, my sim ended up with no wants at all coming up!

Does this pie menu problem ring any bells?

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: Inge on 2006 October 20, 07:33:29
It sounds like Sims 1, where if you were lucky eventually you guessed you had to press Tab to get the next lot of options.  It wasn't in the manual :(

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: NothingToSee on 2006 October 20, 08:01:27
Actually I noticed that problem (or a similar one) the other day.

Sometimes I have to keep clicking and clicking on "more" before it will do anything (and then knowing my luck it will then click many times and I'll end up with something I don't want...)

I did install the new lot debugger the other day, but I don't recall whether the problem started before or after I installed it.

For the record I have all expansions to OFB and the Christmas Party Pack.

Atom XX

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: Surelyfunke on 2006 October 20, 10:05:36
I have been noticing problems with the "More" button as well. I thought I needed a new mouse,  but it's only that button. Haven't installed anything new except for a lot of CC  :P  This happened before Pets BTW.

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: Theo on 2006 October 20, 16:46:13
Same here, and no Pets or object packs installed. At first I thought it was caused by running Winamp with the game  :P

I'll try to remove the latest hacks, and see if that fixes it.

Oh, and thanks to Inge for the keyboard tip, I'll see if that still works  :)

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: cwykes on 2006 October 20, 17:02:58
the Tab key disappears the whole control panel and makes the camera jump.  I tried a few today as per Inge's suggestion, but haven't found any useful keyboard strokes in sims2.  They would be very useful!!!  Could they be written?

I'm glad it's not only me has this problem - if I didn't have an optical mouse, I'd be taking it apart for crumbs right now!  I have noticed slightly more sluggishness than usual on menus, but put that down to PC overloading.

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 October 20, 21:09:02
I believe the problem to be engine related and not hack related. I've been having the same issue for a while now and tried the game with no cc and it still happens. Seems to have started around OFBp2, but I'm not sure of that.

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: dizzy on 2006 October 20, 21:48:56
Probably some weird DInput issue they aren't handling properly (bad poll() or something like that).

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: crazi_aboutu on 2006 October 21, 03:46:47
I had this problem for  awhile and had thought it ws ACR related but found it wasn't,  I still had the problem with no mods.  What worked for me was to clear cache and reboot my puter then it would be fine for  awhile.  I haven't seen that problem in more than a week now though.

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: cwykes on 2006 October 21, 17:10:13
Thanks, I'll clear the cache before I play tonight.

If it is a programming bug, maybe somebody awesome could have a look at it when the Pets furore dies down a bit.

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: dizzy on 2006 October 21, 19:52:48
If it's a DirectInput issue, there's no way I nor anyone else here can fix it. It's doubtful that even EA can fix bugs like that.  :P

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: cwykes on 2006 October 22, 17:03:26
OK it's way over my head then, but is this one that will show up on some PC's but not on others? 

I have worked out that the problem is the first menu sticking - it's not a problem with the second menu itself.  I had to escape from normal one stage pie menu's yesterday quite a bit yesterday because they seemed to be stuck.  Could be it's been like that for a while and I just wasn't aware untill I was regularly trying to get to a second menu.  However I also think it's getting worse.  I'll try and notice a bit more when it's happening in case it helps.  Clearing groups.cache didn't help, but perhaps that wasn't what was meant.

found a link to an EA help page on how to clear browser and java caches....*&p_li=cF9saV9wYXNzd2Q9JnBfbGlfZXhwaXJ5PTExNjE2OTU4ODkmcF9jY2ZfMz0mcF9jc3Nfc3RhdGU9MSZwX3Bhc3N3ZD0mcF91c2VyaWQ9Y3d5a2VzMg**&p_topview=1 (*&p_li=cF9saV9wYXNzd2Q9JnBfbGlfZXhwaXJ5PTExNjE2OTU4ODkmcF9jY2ZfMz0mcF9jc3Nfc3RhdGU9MSZwX3Bhc3N3ZD0mcF91c2VyaWQ9Y3d5a2VzMg**&p_topview=1)

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: dizzy on 2006 October 24, 18:27:25
I assume you mean this:

Clearing your browser cache is not only good regular maintenance for your computer; it can also fix many common issues with Pogo games when they won't load or close mysteriously mid-game, which can commonly happen if the files in your browser cache get corrupted or just stop working. For instructions on how to do this for each browser supported by, please click the link that matches (or most closely matches) the browser you're using. Please follow the 'clear Java cache' instructions as well; that way, you know your browser is starting on a completely clean slate. (Think of it as changing the oil in your car.)

As a final note, even though we list older versions of some browsers here, if you're using an older version of your browser, we strongly recommend visiting the website of the browser's provider (Microsoft for Internet Explorer, etc.) and downloading the very latest version before you do anything else.

That doesn't really seem to address the issue at all, actually.

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: cwykes on 2006 October 25, 09:04:58
Well clearing the browser cache didn't help.  I wasn't brave enough to clear the Java cache as I'm worried CI will stop working if I mess with my Java at all.  Still I learned how to do something.

I'm having problems with all pie menus sticking, but trying to get to that "More" options is the worst.  Takes 4-5 tries, so I have to pause the game till I get the option to work.  Can't see any pattern to it.

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: Motoki on 2006 October 25, 09:15:22
Bleh, "more" has always been flakey for me since the base game. Seems to get stuck a fair bit of the time. I just try again and generally get it on the second or third try. *shrug*

Title: Re: Problem with pie menus - second level options not appearing
Post by: cwykes on 2006 November 13, 22:43:48
um - I junked my mouse mat today and it hasn't been as bad.  Apparently it was relective and probably messing with the mouse function.  Didn't play for long enough to see if it really fixed the problem, but it certainly wasn't as bad as it has been.