More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 October 19, 00:28:04

Title: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 October 19, 00:28:04
PLease!  Anything!  I need to know!  WHat are all the hacks that work with pets?!

THe "What's This?" wil kill me!  Aggg!

Edit: Less lying-like title.  More problems.

Title: Re: Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets
Post by: PattyB on 2006 October 19, 00:43:22
My guess is anything in ( should be Pet Safe.

Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 October 19, 01:43:18
Well, I've downloaded all the files from the new directory, so thank you PattyB and Pescado for being on the ball.  But now, I REALLY need a compatibility list, Pescado.  I can't decide what was fubared and what wasn't.

I would hackdiff it, but I, unlike you, are not-awesome.


Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: moonluck on 2006 October 19, 03:05:51
You do realize that Pescado is really busy updating his hacks so they work with pets. He probably doesn't know all of them that are compatible yet. It has only been one day hold on.

The link to the pets downloads is basically a compatibility list any way. If its not on the list don't use it.

Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: KittKitt on 2006 October 19, 05:21:26
As with any new EP, the best bet is to copy all your game data to a backup folder, then use a "clean" install of the game to install and play the new content.  I keep a "stock" installation handy just for this sort of purpose, but you can also simply copy/rename your Sims 2 folder (the one in \My Documents) and then re-install the thing.

It's going to take all the modders a while to go through everything and get it all happy with the new EP, so in effect you have 2 real choices:

1.  Just be patient --I for example am looking at the box for Pets right now, but I've not even bothered trying to install it yet.  I know from experience that running a game of Sims 2 without certain mods drives me straight up a wall, and since I don't yet know how many of those mods will be compatible with the new EP, I'll just wait until that's all been sorted before I even bother with it.

2.  Run the game and take your chances --You can usually assume that any additional content will be new EP safe.  Things such as new objects, custom sims, houses, etc should all work fine.  The sorts of content that's usually going to be a problem are the hacks, particularly those which alter globals.  You can of course keep test-running the game as you put one of those back in your (new) downloads folder one at a time and check to see if there's any conflicts, but again, until the people who made the hacks have had the time to go through them all and get them in line with the new code, you're taking your chances of seeing a BFBVFS instead of a cuddly little kitty.

Choice 3, which involves a lot of pointless bitching and whining and insisting that mod developers update their stuff right this damn minute so you can have your pets and eat them too is decidedly not advisable.  Whether they're interested in the newest installment of lies and propaganda or not, you can rest assured that most if not all of them still want their stuff to work with it, so all you're going to accomplish by rushing and pushing them is to piss them off and delay or avert your much-desired fixes.

If all else fails, and you simply can't seem to get one of the two above methods to work for you, just play something else for a week or so and check back.  Keep in mind that the Sims is supposed to imitate life, not the other way around.  ;)


Title: Unofficial Compatibility list for MATY Director's Cut from 10/15
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 October 19, 08:48:31
Cuz I cants stands a farking whiner. ::)

Here is a most unawesome unofficial compatibility list as reported by hackdiff using the OFB Director's Cut from 10/15 PRIOR to any changes made since ZOMGPETZ!!!!1111oneoneone graduated from LIES and PROPAGANDA to being available. In other words, this list DOES NOT take into consideration any recent updates since it is OBVIOUS those updates should now be compatible.

Clean Hacks
abortbedmaking.package: clean
antibabylecture.package: clean
antibusinessdecay.package: clean
antiprankhack.package: clean
autosoc.package: clean
autoyak.package: clean
babycontrol.package: clean
bandatronmovefix.package: clean
bathroomusesyou.package: clean
biotechfix.package: clean
breakupfix.package: clean
businessrunsyou.package: clean
callover.package: clean
censustool.package: clean
clothingtool-globals.package: clean
clothingtool.package: clean
coffeecuphack.package: clean
collegeclock.package: clean
comm-skilling.package: clean
commlightson.package: clean
crumplefix.package: clean
customerselector.package: clean
darwincowplant.package: clean
dontwaveatme.package: clean
dormbillfix.package: clean
encouragificator.package: clean
fasterbuyclothes.package: clean
ffsdebugger.package: clean
finalfix-nlp2.package: clean
frontdoorhack.package: clean
gradpartymemfix.package: clean
hugginghack.package: clean
interestlosshack.package: clean
lesswhiny.package: clean
lobonanny.package: clean
localwalkby.package: clean
macrotastics.package: clean
manual-navigation.package: clean
marriage-postmortum.package: clean
moneyorder.package: clean
noadhd.package: clean
noagingswarm.package: clean
noaplusspam.package: clean
noassignmentlitter.package: clean
nobogartingswings.package: clean
nobuskers.package: clean
nocollegeobsession.package: clean
nocorruptdeath.package: clean
nocrybabies.package: clean
nodiningwithscum.package: clean
nodormieregen.package: clean
nodroptiredbaby.package: clean
noeatcrap.package: clean
nofraternization.package: clean
nogizmowants.package: clean
noinfluenceobsession.package: clean
nolamehires.package: clean
nooffercheap.package: clean
nopedostalkers.package: clean
noplagiarism.package: clean
nopuddlerage.package: clean
norabbitspin.package: clean
norandomflirtwants.package: clean
noreassign.package: clean
noresurrectwant.package: clean
noretiredjobspam.package: clean
noroadpillows.package: clean
noservochores.package: clean
noshockforoutgoing.package: clean
nosmartmilkdrag.package: clean
notelepathy.package: clean
notownieregen.package: clean
noundeaddormies.package: clean
nouniprotect.package: clean
nounlinkondelete.package: clean
novanishindorms.package: clean
novelprogress.package: clean
nowhatsthis.package: clean
phonehack-talkmodule.package: clean
pianofix.package: clean
poollightfix.package: clean
privateschoolbillfix.package: clean
remotebusinessfix.package: clean
restaurantbarfix.package: clean
romanceurnstonefix.package: clean
rpshack.package: clean
runtoclass.package: clean
shoonobreakgroup.package: clean
skillinator.package: clean
sleepclock.package: clean
smartercashier.package: clean
stereohack.package: clean
stuckobjremover.package: clean
swindlerslist.package: clean
synctimer.package: clean
tippingfix.package: clean
toastinghack.package: clean
togafix.package: clean
unsubscribe.package: clean
waiterfix.package: clean

May Need Updates - Current Status Unknown (by me at least :P)
antifoodnap.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7F8834C8 0x2077 EP2 - Sleep
asprechargetweak.package: may require possible updates:
    S 0x7F139718 0x012E name unsupported
    S 0x7FC397BB 0x012E name unsupported
authorized_personnel_only.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7FD0DEBA 0x2009 Function - Portal - Test  - SG
enemiesaccumulate.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7FD46CD0 0x04A9 Furious - Age Token (nID)
    B 0x7FF41B0C 0x1001 Sub - Normalize Sim to Sim
    B 0x7FF41B0C 0x1005 Sub - Decay STR A to B (rel in warning range?)
    B 0x7FF41B0C 0x1010 Sub - Decay A's STR
    C 0x7FF41B0C 0x1001 Tuning - STR Decay
expensivenpcs.package: may require possible updates:
    C 0x7FF65712 0x1002 Service NPC - Prices
    B 0x7FD0A790 0x1013 Interaction - Panic
    B 0x7FD0A790 0x102C Push - Panic - All Sims Not Interacting
firemod.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7FD0A790 0x1013 Interaction - Panic
    B 0x7FD0A790 0x102C Push - Panic - All Sims Not Interacting
marriage-traditional.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7FD46CD0 0x0262 Marriage - Get Engaged/Married
nobabyharassment.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7FE69E23 0x2007 Interaction - Give Toddler a Bath - TEST
nodrivewayshuffle.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7F4EA230 0x2149 Sub - Move If Standing On Driveway
noplayableshoppers.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7F028F29 0x101A Non-Family Array - Fill with Eligible Sims
noroutefail.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7FD46CD0 0x03A8 CT - Route Failure Feedback - Animation
nossrespawn.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7F175BF9 0x101D Sub - Populate Lot
plumbing-lessbreaking.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7F16556B 0x2015 Toilet - Flush
    B 0x7FE69E23 0x202C Break - Set Broken - Bath?
punchcuphack.package: clean
    B 0x7FD46CD0 0x04EF CT - Business - Get Fair Wage
    B 0x7FD46CD0 0x04F4 Skill - Get in Temp 0 - Total Skill Points
savethetrees.package: may require possible updates:
    p 0x7F85A297 0x0001 name unsupported

Updated Hacks Available Updates can be found here (

This post has been brought to you by the letters G, A, Y, the color duh!, and the number !!!!1111oneoneone. This post is officially and most fabulously Jelenedra. ;D


Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 19, 09:06:29
Everything in the Pets directory is thrown together in a hurry and completely untested at this stage, since it is completely impossible for me to start or install the game until everything is updated. You get to crash-test it for being so impatient.

Title: Re: Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 October 19, 20:45:51
My guess is anything in ( should be Pet Safe.

Ah but its not.  I've been testing some things out and running into errors but I'm going to have to go by a process of elimination to figure out what is happening where.  Seeing that my poor little animated dog resets everytime he pees I'm guessing at least the yellow pee file from the pet hacks doesn't work correctly but I'm still testing that theory. :P

Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 19, 21:26:00
Your failure to include an error log is not helping.

Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 October 19, 22:30:35
Thank you SO much SS.

You've made my day!

Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 October 20, 01:30:54
Here are the 3 most common errors I've been getting

First one takes place when animated dog is attempting to piss on the floor

Second one takes place when animated cat is doing something...I can't tell what...I'm assuming it involves crap and the floor though

Third one is after bathing animated dog

I am assuming they all have something to do with puddles

Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 October 20, 01:37:40
Luckiy for me I have dodged all errors for now, and my game is running smoothly on the surface, but internally, I could be ripping open veins and arteries and other vital organs.

Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: cyperangel on 2006 October 20, 07:17:34
Here are the 3 most common errors I've been getting

First one takes place when animated dog is attempting to piss on the floor

Second one takes place when animated cat is doing something...I can't tell what...I'm assuming it involves crap and the floor though

Third one is after bathing animated dog

I am assuming they all have something to do with puddles

I had that same error, and figured out, that if i removed the yellowpee hack folder from my downloads, then the error went away. I still got a few other jumps to track down, but the problems with peeing and bathing, is definately puddle related.

Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 October 20, 07:45:53
Good to know. 
I removed it as well but have not had a chance to test it out yet.  Glad to know that fixed the problem though.  Pretty easy conflict to detect and thankfully yellow pee isn't something that I can't live w/o right now haha

Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 20, 10:54:22
I am assuming they all have something to do with puddles
Incorrect noteleportpuddles version packed in Fixed. Redownload.

Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: knitro on 2006 October 20, 15:01:08
ok, so dont' have error logs, but i had trouble with pets getting a job, the person looking for the pets job would get it instead...also had trouble with npc's and prices, they got really cheap! also had someone move in and brought almost no $$ with them which should be wrong, haven't solved this one yet...

but: removed expensive npc's and harder jobs and the npc's and pet jobs are ok again...still need to mess with the other..might be the 20k handout..not sure.


Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 October 20, 21:53:22
I have updated the list that I posted above (

I have separated the hacks into clean, may need updates, and updates available. This is an UNOFFICIAL list, since I don't know what is in the works, and this is only something I checked via manual inspection i.e. using me own two beady squinty eyes. Keep in mind that I am Asian and have horrible eyesite, even WITH my glasses, which have to correct a vision where I am 600 in one eye, 800 in the other, and farsighted in one eye and nearsighted in the other. Plus, what with me bein Asian an all, you could blind me with dental floss. So don't take my word for it. Reading is fundamental. And Knowing (for yourself) is half the battle. :D

I will probably be working on some updates shortly. Depending on how lazy I feel. :P


Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: Motoki on 2006 October 20, 21:57:48
 :o Oh no he didn't! haha

Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 October 21, 00:58:43
Once again, SS, thank you so very very much!


Title: Re: Request for Director's Cut/What Actually Works for Pets List?
Post by: Aracelis on 2006 October 22, 21:43:12
What about "Age transition fixes"? It's not in any of the lists mentioned above.