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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: baaaflatfit on 2006 October 18, 17:58:31

Title: Any ideas as to what would break my Party Controller?
Post by: baaaflatfit on 2006 October 18, 17:58:31
This was broken in my game before, but I can't remember what I did to fix it.  Anyway, this could be entirely unrelated to that.  I used the option on the FFSDebugger to 'clear stuck party', and it said it fixed the problem, but it didn't -- the guests continued to stay, the limo never arrived to carry away my newly married couple. The last few hacks I added or updated are these:
-twoJeff's Perfect Plants

I'm starting to wonder if it's not due to these hacks at all, but maybe an object?  Is this possible? Could it be because of new plants I've added?  Or is that totally ridiculous?

I'd appreciate any feedback/help! This is driving me nuts.


Title: Re: Any ideas as to what would break my Party Controller?
Post by: notveryawesome on 2006 October 18, 18:23:38
What expansion/stuff packs do you have? Many hacks are only compatible up to OFB. If you have Pets installed, this could be causing your problems.

Title: Re: Any ideas as to what would break my Party Controller?
Post by: baaaflatfit on 2006 October 18, 18:47:19
I should've included that info: I have all EP's up to and incl OFB except Family Fun.  No pets or Glamour.  And here's another bit of info I should've included:  In debug mode, I was getting errors on characters Ramin, Dorian, and Demi -- all cops, right?  Here is a bit of one of the error files, which I completely don't understand:

at May 25 2006,05:38:31

Object id: 142
name: N001_User00086 - Demi
Stack size: 5
Error: Reference to tree table entry that does not exist.
Iterations: 114
  Frame 4:
    Stack Object id: 782
    Stack Object name: N001_User00194 - Jacques
    Node: 8
    Tree: id 4105 name 'Party Break-Up - Try Push Turn Off Stereos' version -32759
    from Template_Police
    Prim state: 0
    Params: 782    Locals: 641
  Frame 3:
    Stack Object id: 782
    Stack Object name: N001_User00194 - Jacques
    Node: 29
    Tree: id 4104 name 'Party Break-Up - Make People Leave' version -32757
    from Template_Police
    Prim state: 0
    Params:    Locals: 212
  Frame 2:
    Stack Object id: 182
    Stack Object name: Car - Police Car - 0,5
    Node: 26
    Tree: id 4099 name 'Function - Along Route' version -32753
    from Template_Police
    Prim state: 0
    Params: 142 1008 3 142 -1 804    Locals: 182
  Frame 1:
    Stack Object id: 142
    Stack Object name: N001_User00086 - Demi
    Node: 3
    Tree: id 8632 name 'NPC - Wander and Accept Social' version -32755
    from PersonGlobals
    Prim state: 1
    Params: 1 0    Locals: 0
  Frame 0:
    Stack Object id: 142
    Stack Object name: N001_User00086 - Demi
    Node: 5
    Tree: id 4096 name 'Function - Main' version 23
    from Template_Police
    Prim state: 0
    Params:    Locals: 0

I hope this helps!

Title: Re: Any ideas as to what would break my Party Controller?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 October 18, 19:10:28
Might have to do with the portal.  The police are probably supposed to come and break up your party because it's too noisy, but something is preventing them from coming.
Try deleting the stereos.

Title: Re: Any ideas as to what would break my Party Controller?
Post by: Ness on 2006 October 18, 20:57:10
Once the stuck party has been cleared, the game thinks it's over...  so it's not going to make the visitors go away, and there's no way the limo is going to come.

Your lot debugger is working as expected.

Title: Re: Any ideas as to what would break my Party Controller?
Post by: baaaflatfit on 2006 October 19, 18:38:13
Gwill, you were right -- this was a portal problem, albeit a weird one. After removing the invisible driveway, along with the flooring covering it --problem solved!  :)  This was a small lot, and it appears as though the portal was not in the usual place. 
