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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Dopp on 2006 October 11, 15:01:25

Title: Inner Peace Obsession?
Post by: Dopp on 2006 October 11, 15:01:25
One of my vampires left for work and got promoted. When he came back in the late afternoon the sleep clock made him rush back to bed. At 19:00 he wakes up and now when I click on him only the "Do Yoga" and "Meditate" options appear. Help!

Title: Re: Inner Peace Obsession?
Post by: kutto on 2006 October 11, 22:18:22
What else is supposed to be there? I mean to say, does he have gizmos, do you have macrotastics, etc.?

Title: Re: Inner Peace Obsession?
Post by: Dopp on 2006 October 11, 23:20:56
Macrotastics, BUY, sleepclock, most of the hacks on this site. I tried forcing an error on the debugger but no result.

Title: Re: Inner Peace Obsession?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 12, 00:31:24
Just delete him and let him respawn by the mailbox, that usually clears things up.