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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nekonoai on 2006 October 10, 20:29:01

Title: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: nekonoai on 2006 October 10, 20:29:01
Hey guys. Does anyone know when miscarriages started to happen in game? I never used to encounter them, and then recently during my "breeding experiment" a chick had 3 of them in a row. I didn't notice her needs being low or anything either. She then went on to have a baby, and then during her next pregnancy she DIED. WTF? [pregnant ghosts are messed up, yo!]

I think the only hacks I have are inteenimator and the trips/quads hack from here.

Is it part of the game, or one of the hacks having fun with me? It's annoying.  >:(

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: Tina G on 2006 October 10, 20:33:42
It's definately the hacks...

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: siggylove on 2006 October 10, 20:34:28
Must be one of the hacks, inteenimator probably.  Never used it myself so can't say for sure.  I don't think Maxis wrote any code for miscarriages?  Try a search here, I remember this coming up not so long ago.

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: Katze on 2006 October 10, 20:37:05
Its the inteen when there needs are low they have a miscarriage.

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: jrd on 2006 October 10, 20:38:14
Get the no miscarriages flavour pack for the inteen if they bother you.

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 October 10, 22:12:51

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: Jack Rudd on 2006 October 10, 22:36:40

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: Weaver on 2006 October 10, 22:50:17

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 October 11, 03:41:46
Oh for christ sake, if you're going to download such a big complex hack like Inteen, READ THE FUCKING MANUAL!

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 October 11, 09:31:44

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: nekonoai on 2006 October 12, 22:35:00
I did read the manual. I must've missed that section. ;) I'll go look for the flavor pack. thanks guys.

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: jase on 2006 October 19, 02:13:19
Oh for christ sake, if you're going to download such a big complex hack like Inteen, READ THE FUCKING MANUAL!
I need to put that in a neon marquis somewhere.

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 19, 03:28:51
Really? Brightly-coloured foppish noblemen are going to help you? Will a Duke trump your Marquis?

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: croiduire on 2006 October 19, 23:07:02
Really? Brightly-coloured foppish noblemen are going to help you? Will a Duke trump your Marquis?

Gee, thanks, Rohina...I suddenly have the urge to create a languid, simpering aristocrat. I'm thinking lavender and lime, brocaded.

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 19, 23:20:11
Parsimonious has exactly the outfits you need.

Title: Re: Miscarriages are pissin me off!
Post by: jase on 2006 October 27, 05:15:47
Really? Brightly-coloured foppish noblemen are going to help you? Will a Duke trump your Marquis?
You'd be surprised what a British nobleman under duress can do for you.