More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: songsmith on 2006 October 10, 15:11:30

Title: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: songsmith on 2006 October 10, 15:11:30
I'm rebuilding a hood. Now, the old one still works (sort of). I could go in to the old hood, take snapshots of all the custom portraits and have my recreated sims in the new hood paint those portraits. I'm moving hoods, not houses, so placing the paintings into inventory won't work.

It would be so much easier if I could just copy these paintings. Does anyone know where/how they're stored so that I can find them in SimPe? If so, does anyone know how to do this? Thanks!

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 10, 15:13:56
You can't, but apparently custom paints will transfer with houses. Just make sure that the house you stuff them in is UNINHABITED.

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: Theo on 2006 October 10, 15:56:59
I don't know about the paintings, but the photobooth pictures are stored in the 0xAF74F8E0 resources inside the sim's character file.

This type of resource can be parsed by SimPe's TXTR wrapper, so it's only a matter of changing the type to 0x1C4A276C and re-loading the plugin view, enabling you to view its contents. Do what you must, but don't save these changes to the character file.

As far as I know, inserting these pictures into another sim using SimPe is not doable.

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: songsmith on 2006 October 10, 16:34:57
Do I understand you correctly, Pescado? The paintings can be packaged up on an uninhabited lot and will move with it but not transfer the memories from the old hood?

But what's to prevent the furnishings from disappearing when I move out the existing family? I hardly ever package lots.

Maybe I can snapshot them and then use the custom painting wizard plug-in thingummy and make new paintings. *G* Gah! I bet I've spent more time trying to figure out a way to get around this than I would by just making a sim repaint them!

EDIT: Typo!

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 10, 16:46:42
Do I understand you correctly, Pescado? The paintings can be packaged up on an uninhabited lot and will move with it but not transfer the memories from the old hood?
That's what appears to have occurred in the Awesome Contest.

But what's to prevent the furnishings from disappearing when I move out the existing family? I hardly ever package lots.
Either file-backup techniques, or simple cold-blooded murder.

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: Weaver on 2006 October 10, 17:06:23
You can try using the Easel Canvas Template ( The guide in the post has more information on the process.
In short, it takes the stored image resource and makes a permanent painting recolour on the custom canvas.

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 October 10, 21:05:51
if your getting the Pets EP then you will like this feature

MaxisLittleL (Oct 5, 2006 2:23:53 PM)
Custom paintings is a new feature that will let you put photos or images into your game as painted pictures that you can hang on your wall. It's super cool :)

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: Venusy on 2006 October 10, 21:14:22
if your getting the Pets EP then you will like this feature

MaxisLittleL (Oct 5, 2006 2:23:53 PM)
Custom paintings is a new feature that will let you put photos or images into your game as painted pictures that you can hang on your wall. It's super cool :)
Despite the fact that this feature has actually been present since the base game, although it's currently slightly hard to do...

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: songsmith on 2006 October 10, 23:52:03
I decided I was making things harder for myself and took snapshots of the portraits today. I'll have my elder repaint them. That's what permaplat elders are for anyway, right?

I've heard about the new painting feature with Pets. It's about time they provide us with an easier way to do this.

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: nocomment on 2006 October 11, 00:28:35
Does anyone know how to get the images used for paintings and reward camera photos?  I was told they are jpg files embedded somehow in the lot file.  If there was a way to extract the jpg file (or whatever the game uses) it would be simple enough to make new portraits/photos from it.

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: Weaver on 2006 October 11, 00:37:11
The images appear within the lot resources. Here's a snippet from the mod link I posted earlier giving instructions on how to export the painting images.
I'm not sure about reward camera photos, take a look at the other Texture Images available with different prefixes using SimPE (

2. Find the lot package file that contains the information about the lot where the sim-created piece of art resides. For example, C:\Documents and Settings\YOURUSERNAME\My Documents\EA Games\EA Games\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods\N001\Lots\N001_Lot47.package. This can be an easy or a difficult task, depending on how many lots exist in that neighborhood.

3. Once you find and load the correct lot into SimPE, click on "Texture Image" in the Resource Tree. This should produce a list of textures that are used for that particular lot. Look for one with a name that begins with, "#0x6f" and/or contains "!painting_". Eventually, you should be able to find the work of art in that list of textures. If your Plugin View window is open in SimPE, you should be able to see what they look like.

4. In the Plugin View window, right-click on the texture image and select, "Export...," and then save it as a PNG file. Save the file wherever you can easily find it later.

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: nocomment on 2006 October 11, 04:31:51
Thank you!  That's exactly what I was looking for.

I apologize for not reading your link earlier.  I didn't realize it had so much information in it.

I used the date to find the most recent lot I had played, which I knew had reward camera photos in it.  For reference, they also have
"#0x6f" and "!painting_" in their name.

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: songsmith on 2006 October 11, 23:54:53
Weaver, thanks for that information! Don't know why, but it never occurred to me to look in the lot.

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: Ndainye on 2006 October 17, 02:15:10
You could use Inge's objects stay at move out shurb to hold the paintings on a lot.

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: nikita on 2006 October 17, 07:42:48
As far as I know, the texture file still remains on the lot so long as it's still uninhabited so you could go into the lot files, export the .png files and then import them to your new lot, replacing your preplaced dummy photos/canvases.

Title: Re: Is there a way to copy custom portraits to place in new hood?
Post by: Blacksmith on 2006 November 19, 05:25:08
Thank s just what i want for my family portraits up load