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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MaximilianPS on 2006 October 10, 12:39:24

Title: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 October 10, 12:39:24
thnx to JM. Pescado harderjobs hacks, i'm in a funny situation, there is a sim that as been banned from the university and now he live on a lot without wall, with a bed on the center and a fridge just on side of the bed.. he have only with 13§.

the answare is:

The sims know the difference beetween inside/outside?...
he shouldn't be too much happy about that situation, if i was a sim i didn't like to sleep outside, don't you ? O_o
did you think he will get cold (illness) sooner or later ?


Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 10, 12:43:43
The sims know the difference beetween inside/outside?...
Only vampires know the difference, and only during the day.

he shouldn't be too much happy about that situation, if i was a sim i didn't like to sleep outside, don't you ? O_o
Sim happiness is entirely dependent on their motives. While outside tends to have lower environment score than inside, this isn't a hard and fast rule, and environment is not a large contributor to mood.

did you think he will get cold (illness) sooner or later ?
Nope. It doesn't really work that way in real life, either.

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 October 10, 13:19:45
did you think he will get cold (illness) sooner or later ?
Nope. It doesn't really work that way in real life, either.

try to sleep in the garden under christmass holiday..  and then tell me about cold.. or
maybe some parassits :P

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 October 10, 13:20:27
I downloaded "Rain", from MTS2.  They did say that because it was in testing, the rain would appear in the house.  Well, I installed it and the rain came down..  In their food, in their beds, while they were watching TV.  But hey, the Sims didn't care.  Didn't even notice actually.  So I don't think that by living in the great outdoors would really bother them too much.  Unless of course, they wanted to hang a picture or something... :P

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: Kyna on 2006 October 10, 13:31:15
try to sleep in the garden under christmass holiday..  and then tell me about cold.

In December/January I have been known to sleep outside.  Thatt's the middle of summer here, and sometimes the house gets too hot to sleep inside.

Looking at your picture, I see you're not used to building lots for poor sims.  Since he lives on his own, I would have only given him 1 chair, and I wouldn't have worried about a rubbish bin.  For the kitchen I wouldn't have used a stand alone counter, I would have built 2x2 bathroom (toilet + uni shower), and used one of the outside walls for one of the cheap uni counters.  Foundation doesn't go in until you can afford it, the cash would have been better spent on a bed.

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 October 10, 13:35:57
When I do Legacy challenges, my Sims often sleep outside until they accumulate §10,000.  Even then, I may not build them a house right away.  They have all the comforts they could want, and walls are expensive!

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 10, 13:37:08
I wouldn't have bothered with a table or *4* chairs, instead just going with the couch, and I wouldn't have cheaped out on the stove. Concur about the trashcan, unnecessary when you're outdoors anyway. WOULD have included a caffeine station, scratch the bed, doesn't look like there's a budget for it.

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 October 10, 15:49:54
When I do Legacy challenges, my Sims often sleep outside until they accumulate §10,000.  Even then, I may not build them a house right away.  They have all the comforts they could want, and walls are expensive!
I did a legacy once, and my sims lived happily outside for the longest time.

Then when they had enough money saved up to start building a structure, their environment score went completely red because they didn't have carpet or wallpaper I guess. I couldn't get them to do anything without screaming.

Living inside was very counterproductive.

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 October 10, 16:07:31
i'm still building the house one piece per time.. so i start on that way :P
and... 4 chair 'cause it's more social to eat some grilled chees in company than to take a taxi and go on downtown, it's also usefull to build some friendship...
btw now he have a job.. and one more wall.. for someting like picture or window

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: Berg on 2006 October 10, 18:23:50
Yeah, a window would be great! So he'll be able to see what it's like outside! :P ;D

I love the beginning of the poverty challenge: a table and a phone. That's it.

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 10, 18:41:48
I love the beginning of the poverty challenge: a table and a phone. That's it.
Hah. You give them a table? I don't even give them a table! I give them a phone booth, and they don't technically even OWN that phone booth.

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: Berg on 2006 October 10, 19:42:47
But the table makes the lawn look nicer... Cosy but with a lavish touch.

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 October 10, 19:50:31
and if you have a baby.. you put him [moveObjects On] on the table [moveObjects Off]
c'ause it's better than the grass  ;D

btw, now there is a door.. so the kitchen is separated from the bathroom


oh.. btw let me present my new sims ^^

Marcello Girino

Famiglia Impestato

Della Morte Family

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: vcline on 2006 October 10, 20:14:24
Max, I love these Sims you've created.  "Impestato" looks like an Italian word that should translate into something - like "infested".  Does it?

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: siggylove on 2006 October 10, 20:29:13
I was thinking about getting one of those skins with hairy bits, but that's a little hirsute for my taste, it makes me wonder if he has a hairy back?

Nice looking sims there Maxi ;D

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 October 10, 20:31:18
the literal translation is correct..
but also a realy noisy children or a [google translation on] a particularly lively child [google translation off].. could be named "Impestato", and that is our case :)

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 October 10, 21:22:14
Nice looking sims there Maxi ;D

I was thinking more, hit multiple times w/ an ugly stick. :P

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: siggylove on 2006 October 10, 21:24:17
Lol, that's why I like them, but seriously, those hairy arms, gah they scare me!

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 October 11, 01:38:43
Nice looking sims there Maxi ;D

I was thinking more, hit multiple times w/ an ugly stick. :P
That would have been after they fell out of the ugly tree, hitting every branch on the way down...  :D

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 October 11, 08:47:43
Lol, that's why I like them, but seriously, those hairy arms, gah they scare me!

it's more easy to find a person with those hairy arms.. than some one with Enayla ( skin..  mmm.. oh.. and btw.. you didn't see the legs  ;D

anyway, my default skin replacement have 4 hairy types, that depend on the color of the skin

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: siggylove on 2006 October 11, 11:23:46
C'mon Maxi, I'm feeling brave - show the legs!

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 October 11, 11:44:47
here you can find everytings :)

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: siggylove on 2006 October 11, 12:17:45
Actually, I surprised myself, sets 4A & 4B look really good, not too hairy - just enough to be considered *cough* sexy.

Thanks for the link - may have to go and download some of those ;)

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: simposiast on 2006 October 14, 23:27:33
If you prefer sims to live inside and you can't afford walls, here are two ways to get free walls:

- Make a walk out basement above the ground, then you only have to pay for the foundation. You'll need one wall section if you want to add a door, but you could just leave a gap.

- Use a roof. A gable roof has walls on the gable ends for free.  Three tiles on either side will be unusuable because the roof is too low, so build it at least nine tiles wide to allow for a three tile wide usable space.

You could even combine the two methods and get a fairly normal looking house at a bargain price.  It won't make sims any happier to be indoors, but it looks better than living on the lawn.

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 October 15, 02:29:09
You could even combine the two methods and get a fairly normal looking house at a bargain price.  It won't make sims any happier to be indoors, but it looks better than living on the lawn.

I can't remember where I found it (maybe MTS2?), but someone made a tent out of one of the cheap beds that's perfect for living on a houseless lot. :)

Yup, it was wintermute on MTS2..

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 October 18, 20:52:12
Ok sooner.. or later.. the inside/outside will made the difference  ;D

"Give your sims a break and let them out of the house! This new EP for the Sims 2 Lets you bring your sims outside, where they can have some outdoor fun, Like Snowball fights, Pool games (?) and fun games like Marco Polo and much more. They can run in the spring rain, fishing in their own pond and grow rair fruits with unexpected results. Either if you are building a winter home or a summer cabin they will enjoy every season - But be aware of the unpredictable weather!"

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 October 19, 00:27:48
Ahh! I want that EP! Forget pets. I want weather! It's the one thing I've been dying for since the game first came out.

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 19, 00:57:12
That set #1 hair is just plain terrifying. Werewolf hairy, or maybe giant squirrel.

Title: Re: Inside / Outside... did they know the difference ?
Post by: siggylove on 2006 October 19, 09:19:33
That set #1 hair is just plain terrifying. Werewolf hairy, or maybe giant squirrel.

Tee hee, that's what I thought and if I remember rightly, they also have hairy backs - get the wax kit out NOW ;D