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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: joanm on 2006 October 09, 21:24:07

Title: Sim invisible, live mode grayed out
Post by: joanm on 2006 October 09, 21:24:07
I had a crop of kids at Uni that I finally got graduated and moved back to the main neighborhood. Some were moving back in with their parents and that seemed to go ok. (I haven't actually loaded the lots and looked yet.) But one of them was moving into his own place as he'll be getting married shortly.

 I downloaded some starters recently and have been using them (I can modify and remodel but suck at building from scratch.) I popped him into one and it went into loading the family. Seemed normal. When it was finished loading the taxi is there and all.  The taxi pulls away, my Sim is not there and live mode is greyed out. I exited without saving and looked on the neighborhood screen. It says he's there. I move him out and he's back in the Sim bin.  Then I remembered reading something about problems with some houses. So I enter the house fiddle a bit and save it. Back to neighborhood screen, move him in again.  Same thing. At this point I decided that it was time to get out of the game and try hunting for more info elsewhere. 

I've tried moving him into a different house, some problem.  Moving in his fiancee gets me her and a functional live mode but Michael is still missing.  Although in neighborhood view it says they both live there.  When I looked at him in SimPE he didn't llok any different to me from any of the other Sims in that 'hood.  That could be that I don't know where to look or what for.   If he is hopelessly glitched, is there a way to just trash him and salvage the fiancee?  Or is the whole 'hood fouled up?

Title: Re: Sim invisible, live mode grayed out
Post by: dizzy on 2006 October 09, 21:37:02
Are the lots you downloaded compatible (i.e. made with the same EPs/SPs that you have)?

Title: Re: Sim invisible, live mode grayed out
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 09, 21:59:32
Try teleporting him onto some other lot with an Ingelogical shrub and seeing if he manifests correctly as a visitor? If he cannot manifest at all for some reason, something about his character data has gotten corrupted. It's possible the game thinks he's dead.

Title: Re: Sim invisible, live mode grayed out
Post by: joanm on 2006 October 09, 22:02:23
Yes, the lots are compatible.  They installed.  Some that are supposed to be compatible I haven't been able to get to install.  I have installed (not just sitting here) Uni, NL, OfB.  I also have last year's Holiday pack.  I just got (but haven't installed yet) Family Fun Stuff and Glamour Life.  I was hoping to take care of this before I installed anything else.  And I'm patched.  As far as I know the patching is up to date. It'd be nice if they put version numbers or dates or something on the patches.

I didn't have that shrub before and hadn't thought to try it since I got the shrub.   Off to try that and see what happens.

Title: Re: Sim invisible, live mode grayed out
Post by: joanm on 2006 October 09, 22:53:20
Fixed.   He showed up ok for the fiancee, but the move in didn't work.  So I moved him in somewhere else and saved.  Then went back to the fiancee.  She invited him over and then invited him to move in.  That worked. I saved and exited to the neighborhood screen and re-entered the lot.  Both of them are there.  So whatever it was got reset.   Thank you both very much for your quick responses.