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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 06, 19:09:19

Title: Ssssh! The eerie phantom sound...
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 06, 19:09:19
Hmmm I enter a lot and hear the incredibly irritating noise of some sim playing SSX whatever-it-is. Fine I go to get the Sim to quit and surprise! everyone is asleep.
Rolls eyes at these random sound glitches because I've come across them before and the usual cure is to quit then re-enter the lot. So I do that.
At first there is blessed quiet. Then at 4AM the game noise kicks up again. All Sims sleeping. The horrible racket stops after a while.
Seems to have stopped, just to be certain I get the Sims to turn off all the computers.
All seems well the parents go to work and the teens to school. Then the noise kicks up again and carries on for hours. Thoroughly fed up I exit the lot again.....But nothing doing I STILL have this computer game noise.

Title: Re: Ssssh! The eerie phantom sound...
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 October 06, 19:11:28
I get this too, in one house only - I've tried using the burninator in the hopes that I can nuke the sound emitter but I haven't been able to find it. :\

Title: Re: Ssssh! The eerie phantom sound...
Post by: Anne on 2006 October 06, 19:20:19
I've had this too - in a few different houses. I couldn't get it to stop, either, and even though it is really irritating, I just try to ignore it.

(Although if someone knows how to fix it, I'd love to get rid of it!)

Title: Re: Ssssh! The eerie phantom sound...
Post by: Gwill on 2006 October 07, 10:05:08
I had the sound of the base guitar stuck on a lot once.  The horrible screeching sound the base makes when a sim stops playing and puts it away.
I burninated half the house without managing to get rid of it.

Title: Re: Ssssh! The eerie phantom sound...
Post by: Tyyppi on 2006 October 07, 13:37:51
I've had this problem with drums few times. Almost made me insane. Although I think it went away when I sold the drums but I'm not 100% sure about that. It was quite some time ago.

Title: Re: Ssssh! The eerie phantom sound...
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 October 07, 14:04:37
Try switching between Stereo and 4 speaker mode. I got rid of a stuck sound loop that way (happened a couple of days ago, that's why I still remember the solution!).

Title: Re: Ssssh! The eerie phantom sound...
Post by: Orikes on 2006 October 07, 18:35:58
I had this happen in a house, but it was my fault. I had move objects on and I was rearranging furniture. The sim of the house had already turned on the computer and started playing when I deleted it. The computer was gone, but the sound stayed and would randomly turn on at different times. I finally just moved the sim to a different house.

As a note, this happened in one of the houses I downloaded from the Awesome contest. Not sure whose, but it had the hot tub behind the garage and a loft area above the garage which was a separate building.

Title: Re: Ssssh! The eerie phantom sound...
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 October 07, 18:59:04
I've not had phantom  music, other than the one you occasionally get when the game resets and a cheap stereo is playing when you enter a lot, even though it's off.  But I have had phantom car and garage noises.  The car problem turned out to be a bad custom car, which I ended up deleting from the game.  Never was able to fix a phantom garage door noise without knocking down the entire garage and removing the driveway extension below it, though.