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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Avalikia on 2006 October 06, 02:58:38

Title: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 October 06, 02:58:38
I have one sim living in a dorm.  Everytime I try to send her to class, she does the standard disappearing act at the portal, but immeadiately reappears without any grade increase despite the fact that it's still the hour before class.  I can continue to try again but there the same thing happens.  I don't have any hacks directly related to Uni, so I'm totally stumped about how I might even go about figuring this one out.  There are no errors when I turn the testingcheats on, and I have another dorm where they're getting to class just fine.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: dizzy on 2006 October 06, 04:13:38
Is there anything special about the dorm? Did you take it from the lot bin or was it in the hood to begin with? Did you create it yourself from a residential lot?

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 October 06, 04:31:00
I created it myself and it's not exactly a standard setup, but the other dorm is an even weirder one that I made myself.  I'd think that if my construction methods were faulty it'd be more likely that the second one would malfunction, but it isn't.

Edit:  Incidently, I've already gotten 3 other sims through college while only living in this dorm, and the sim there now is in her senior year.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Giggy on 2006 October 06, 05:23:26
It might be hacks, take out your downloads folder and see if it does anything

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Kyna on 2006 October 06, 07:02:50
It could be a portal problem.  I think Crammyboy has some mods that deal with portal issues, take a look at his section of the board.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: jrd on 2006 October 06, 08:42:51
Open the Sim in SimPE and check the uni info. Probably the major is set to an illegal value.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 October 07, 04:35:04
giggy - I don't think that would be right.  I mostly have global mods, and the few object mods I have are either present in every lot or not present in any lot.  In other words, if there's a problem directly relating to the mods, why isn't it happening to all my sims?

Kyna - The only crammyboy portal mod I know of is the juggling-related one, and I already have that.  Is there another one I'm not aware of?

Jordi - I checked her sim description in SimPe, but everything looks normal.  I even specifically re-entered her major and saved, but it didn't work.

Any more ideas?  I suppose I could just finish out the semester without going to class, but what I'm worried about is the final and if that will be a problem.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 October 07, 05:09:05
Have you tried forcing an error on the sim? She may just have a stuck flag or something that needs to be cleared.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Kyna on 2006 October 07, 05:17:36
OK, throwing a few random ideas out here.  I don't know if any of these are your problem, but it can't hurt to check.

There were a few portal issues with Uni, but I believe they were fixed in later EPs & patches.  Fortunately I never had any of the portal issues in my game, so I can't remember exactly what they were.  I just remember reading about them at the time.

I did see this in Crammyboy's section of this board in this topic: (  "Portal deletion was fixed in the nightlife patch but any bookcase that was cloned before the Nightlife patch could potentially have this error. Most of them will not, but it does no harm to check"  Do you have any downloaded bookcases in your game?

OTOH, if you have his portal monitor (which was included in the juggling zip) you would have gotten a warning when the portal went 'splodie.  So if you never got a warning, your portal is probably ok.

Do you have nouniprotect in?  In my game with that in, dormies were passing out by the portals and dying there until I took pity on them and gave them beds that weren't behind a myne door.  And I put speakers outside to wake them up.  It was irritating to see my sims not go to class because of a passed out dormie or tombstone in front of the portal.  If this was the case though, you'd see the dormie or tombstone.

I don't know if stuck kicky bags are still a problem in the game (as I have kicky bag hacks to prevent them playing it), but maybe one of those is blocking access to the portal.  Both TJ's college adjuster and Pescado's lot debugger have options to deal with stuck kicky bags.

Another idea: have you tried moving the sim out, then moving her back in?  That sometimes works on glitched lots.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 October 07, 05:31:51
Twojeffs - Forcing an error was the first thing I tried actually.  Nada.

Kyna - Yeah, I've got NL and OFB fully patched and I haven't now or ever gotten a downloaded bookcase, so if it is a portal problem it's not the usual suspects.  One of the dormies did die, but was in a bathroom well inside the lot at the time and there's no sleepers blocking the portal now (and in any event I've never had them not go to class when the portal was blocked anyway - they just got as close to the portal as possible before disappearing).  I did think about moving her out and in, but I'd consider that a "drastic step".  I was kind of hoping that someone would say, "Hey, I know how to fix that!" before I had to do something like that.  Still, since it's a dorm I don't have to worry about buying back the furniture, and since nothing else has worked until now I might give it a try.  I'll see if I can find a moment to do that with as little disruption as possible.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Giggy on 2006 October 07, 07:10:36
 :o you have JMs nouniprotect hack! take it out. thats the problem!
another thing, remove her in that dorm

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 October 07, 07:54:48
:o you have JMs nouniprotect hack! take it out. thats the problem!

why do you think that is the problem?

Many of us have used it with no problems whatsoever so you can't just throw that out there without explaining, if it does have a bug then JM needs to know so he can fix it.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 October 07, 07:57:45
What Sleepy said. I have used nouniprotect for months now and have had no problems with it.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Giggy on 2006 October 07, 09:02:26
 :-[ opps sorry. I don't use it much

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: dizzy on 2006 October 07, 10:41:46
I've noticed that adding or removing dormies causes VBT to happen, and the only solution when that happens is to move out, bulldoze, and rebuild.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: proudbrunette on 2006 October 07, 12:30:43
this happened to me too. but not only did the sims not go to class,the work symbols didn't show up,and their memeries showed up as bllank green or red squares in uni And in all the regular neighborhoods. but it was fixed after i installed OFB. to this day i don't understand why ??? :D

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 October 08, 02:00:13
This problem has now been solved.  For whatever reason, moving her out and then back in made everything work again.  Unfortunately, the dorm now has 2 sets of mortal enemy dormies instead of 1 like it had before.  I wonder if being able to go to class again offsets the annoyance of twice as much fighting...  Either way, thanks for the help everyone.

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Giggy on 2006 October 09, 03:30:45
 ;D glad to see someones life fixed up. as always you can kill the enemy dormie, why not you burn him or her

Title: Re: It is a puzzlement
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 October 11, 00:18:41
It's always the nice ones that end up starving to death...