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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: SimulatedDork on 2006 October 02, 18:05:22

Title: So what exactly IS it safe to change in SimPE?
Post by: SimulatedDork on 2006 October 02, 18:05:22
I've a few (non) awesome threads, complaining how one should NOT change a) wardrobe b)SWAF and especially not their LTW as it will most probably cause that big burny what exactly IS it safe to change in Sim PE? I know it's still in Beta, but surely there must be some things safe to change?!

Title: Re: So what exactly IS it safe to change in SimPE?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 October 02, 18:18:52
SWAFs are okay, as you need to delete them for characters you deleted.

SDNAs are bad unless you are deleting ALL OF THEM.

Title: Re: So what exactly IS it safe to change in SimPE?
Post by: Karen on 2006 October 02, 18:34:35
SWAFs are okay, as you need to delete them for characters you deleted.

SDNAs are bad unless you are deleting ALL OF THEM.

This is a little misleading.  The question was, what's safe to *change*, not what's safe to *delete*.  In my experience changing DNA via SimPE is perfectly safe.


Title: Re: So what exactly IS it safe to change in SimPE?
Post by: Soylent Sim on 2006 October 02, 18:59:32
I've taken to changing my sims' LTW's in SimPE, and so long as you know what you're doing there's no problem to it.  The issue with changing LTW's in particular is that you have to change several things, and SimPE isn't nice enough to update them all when you change one thing.

Which leads to my next point.  So long as you're not going after deep game files, you should be fine.  Everything in the neighborhood menu, for example, is fine.  The things in the main sim browser in particular are not only fine, but they're easy to change too.  The problems can come when you change some things without changing others, which turns it into more of a "know what you're doing before you do it" sort of thing.  Thankfully, you can figure that out by asking people who already know.

Much of the same goes for deleting things.  Some things, like SWAF's for sims who are no longer around, should be deleted as a matter of course.  Other things, like SDNA's, should never be deleted.  As a general rule, though, except for SWAF's you shouldn't need to delete things.  Again, if you're curious specific questions get better results than generic ones.

Title: Re: So what exactly IS it safe to change in SimPE?
Post by: SimulatedDork on 2006 October 02, 20:25:32
I did change a few of my sims wants and fears, and tested it out. I even did something rather daring (considering i'm uber new to sim PE) and resurrected Skip Broke and played with HIS SWAF. I changed his LTW to "have a family reunion". Seriously, he's related to the whole neighborhood.

I've taken to changing my sims' LTW's in SimPE, and so long as you know what you're doing there's no problem to it.  The issue with changing LTW's in particular is that you have to change several things, and SimPE isn't nice enough to update them all when you change one thing.
I didn't realise there was anything more in-depth to change ... because on the surface, it seems simple enough to do. Am I doing something wrong? Nothing seems corrupt to me in my game when I play the Brokes, and his wants are fufilled as normal...

Title: Re: So what exactly IS it safe to change in SimPE?
Post by: jrd on 2006 October 02, 20:29:45
Just about everything directly related to a single Sim is safe to change: relationships, career, skills, gender preference, name, etc..
Wants can be tricky and are best left alone, or changed in-game.

Memories on the other hand are perfectly safe to change (as long as you don't mess with the tokens).

Title: Re: So what exactly IS it safe to change in SimPE?
Post by: Soylent Sim on 2006 October 02, 20:44:27
Usually I change LTW's between careers, although at times I'll change it to *have event happen* *N times*.  The problems here are twofold; with two of every available career you might grab the teen version by mistake, and if you change from, say, max all skills to a career you'll have to change the number listed by the target.

If you want to change your LTW to a specific event, I've never tried that, so you might be better off asking someone else.

Title: Re: So what exactly IS it safe to change in SimPE?
Post by: jrd on 2006 October 02, 20:54:54
Oh, I change the number of my LTWs also. 50 first/dream dates is just absurd. I change it to 20 dream dates usually.

I also change the grilled cheese LTW to 50, since otherwise I have to have my Sim eat almost all his life after using the RSO.

Title: Re: So what exactly IS it safe to change in SimPE?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 02, 20:55:49
I think the theory is that you're not supposed to do that, because your reward memory is simply "dates, yay".

Update: Amusing discovery: As it turns out, "Dates, yay" is a placeholder text. Apparently, the *MALE* version of the 50 dream dates memory has "real" text, but the female version only has "dates, yay". Which has apparently been translated to other languages. Personally, I think "Dates, Yay" more accurately reflects the feeling of having done this LTW.

Title: Re: So what exactly IS it safe to change in SimPE?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 October 03, 02:32:56
Guess that shows that most of the Maxis programmers are guys. :)

Title: Re: So what exactly IS it safe to change in SimPE?
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 October 03, 04:26:51
I think the theory is that you're not supposed to do that, because your reward memory is simply "dates, yay".


That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Certainly I think it's a silly LTW to begin with, but I guess with an aspiration that inspires laziness, what are you going to aspire to? Spend x amount of hours on the couch?