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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: DrBeast on 2006 October 01, 17:10:45

Title: Custom Skin Weirdness
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 October 01, 17:10:45
Case: two sims with exnem's nude sims skin.
Problem: sims' body disappear when in the buff.

Two male sims had the exact same problem: their body disappeared when they were in the buff. I tracked the problem down to their skinsets: both had an Exnem skin which, normally, is accompanied by its own set of male genitalia (separate mesh). However, since I already use Crammyboy's penis mesh I never thought of installing exnem's. During my troubleshooting process, I installed exnems mesh to see if it was indeed the culprit, and true enough, a) their body was finally showing when nude, but b) they ended up with 2 cocks! It took a hell of a lot of work to rid them of their skintones and assign them another! Dunno if SimPE is borked again, but the traditional methods of skin changing yielded nothing! And I tried every trick in the book! The only skintone that changed was that of the face, the body skin refused to go away! In the end I yanked the offending skintones out of my Downloads folder to force-assign them the skintones I had chosen for them. Bad exnem...VERY bad!

Question: is there any way to "un-assign" exnem's penis mesh from his skintones or do I have to bite the bullet and copy/paste his skintone textures to another set?

Title: Re: Custom Skin Weirdness
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 October 01, 17:15:18
I have a female sim with the same problem -- I downloaded her from MTS2 (I think) and made her a townie, and her body disappears when she's naked.  I'll have to check if she has a custom Exnem skin too.

Title: Re: Custom Skin Weirdness
Post by: Gwill on 2006 October 03, 09:51:41
This is a problem with all skins that are linked to custom meshes. I suggest you do a simple swap with body shop:
Export exnem's skin, export a normal skin, then copy all the files from exnem's project to the normal project and overwrite them, then import.  That should leave you with exnem's texture and a normal mesh.

Title: Re: Custom Skin Weirdness
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 October 03, 09:59:31
Yes, that's what I meant by "bite the bullet". A tedious process, but seems it's the only viable option. Ugh...I hate Bodyshop!