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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 30, 23:05:44

Title: This is a stretch, but I thought I'd ask
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 30, 23:05:44
Does anyone know if there is a way to scan your neighborhood along with your downloads folder to find out which files are in use (ie in lots or on sims) so that it's possible to just use what you're already using to cut down on load times?
I know that's a stretch but it would be oh so delicious!
Thanks for any info!

Title: Re: This is a stretch, but I thought I'd ask
Post by: SpaceDoll on 2006 October 01, 05:14:26
Ahh, you're dreamin'!!! ;D

Wish there was an easier way; I was trying to do this before my computer went 'splodie and I started fresh with Sims.  (Now I just keep track as I go, with pencil and paper)  After trying to go through the catalog and find the objects individually, I figured out a slightly less time consuming way.  I package up each lot and then check out the package with Clean Installer.  You can then either find the custom objects manually in your download folder, or remove the download folder and install the lot package, leaving you with just the custom content from that lot.  The second option is just theoretical, as installing lots makes me exceptionally nervous, but should work.  Just take out your family and any other Sim info first.  Also be prepared for a lot of crap in the package, because a bunch of Maxis stuff and recolors that aren't actually used will be included.  But at least you will only have a small percentage of trash to dig through, rather than your whole huge download folder.  If you decide this isn't more trouble than it's worth, Good Luck!!  By the way, I did at least divide my downloads up by neighborhood, and my load times went from about 20 minutes to about 3, so some pruning is definately worth it!!  :o

Title: Re: This is a stretch, but I thought I'd ask
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 October 01, 05:34:18
I never thought of doing that!! You don't know how much I appreciate those tips...
That's exactly what I wanted to do, even if it's the long way around it.  I don't care about the extra recolors or anything like that.  I definitely won't install the families, but I can just choose not to install them with clean installer like you said.
Thank you SO much for these tips....I owe you a LOT of time that I'm going to save. :)

Title: Re: This is a stretch, but I thought I'd ask
Post by: SpaceDoll on 2006 October 01, 07:31:32
Sure!  It was an idea born of desperation; I had to pretty much leave Sims running for days to avoid the endless load times.  Another thought:  organize your custom content by creator/set name rather than category.  While category or function seemed sensible when my download folder was small, when it reached several gigs it became very unwieldy, what with thousands of objects in the decorative category, separated into dozens of sub-categories, some of them overlapping.  I mean, a towel rack might be under bathroom clutter, or mistakenly under just clutter, or if it was based off a sculpture mesh and the creator didn't change the description properly, it might be under sculpture.   ???  And believe it or not, losing all my cc has actually been great.  To me, downloading stuff is like shopping without having to pay, and I'm much better able to recognize quality stuff now than when all I had was the base game (a lot of crappy bedding should have gone long ago ;) ).

Title: Re: This is a stretch, but I thought I'd ask
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 October 01, 07:59:41
LOL, yup! It's amazing some of the uggo objects I downloaded when I was still a babe in the sim world...
As for the categorizing, luckily, I had the same idea as you and ended up doing it all by creator.  It has worked amazingly well and I know where almost everything is....except a few stragglers from long ago that no one took the time to name....and I haven't had the heart to delete them...
Actually, it might be a good idea to scan those stragglers now that they have tools like sims categorizer by simswardrobe.
Thank you again for the ideas....I was on the verge of tossing everything, lol. (But, of course, that wasn't really going to happen)  ::)

Title: Re: This is a stretch, but I thought I'd ask
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 October 02, 12:52:00
To me, downloading stuff is like shopping without having to pay.

I have the same feeling! I download like mad. I shudder to think at my spending habits should I eventually become ridiculously wealthy.

Title: Re: This is a stretch, but I thought I'd ask
Post by: SpaceDoll on 2006 October 02, 13:46:27
I especially love modern furniture.  I would have to buy more than one house to contain my furniture purchases.  :D