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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Flamingo on 2006 September 30, 21:33:35

Title: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 September 30, 21:33:35
Okay, so, I was playing with a risky woohoo mod with the odds lowered a bit on it, so I figured that there wouldn't be any harm in having my Sims woohoo once. I really didn't want either of them to get pregnant before I fulfilled their lifetime wants, but of course the game had other ideas.

So now, being too inept at SimPE to figure out how to do it on my own, I turn to MATY for some help. How would I go about making it so that my Sim was no longer pregnant?

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Sagana on 2006 September 30, 22:08:32
The easiest way is to use insim or inteen.

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 September 30, 22:16:07
Yes, I am aware that InSim has a way to make your Sims no longer pregnant. I tried using it previously and it had failed, and I don't particularly want to have the InSimenator in my game as it is. Thanks for trying to help, though.

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Ness on 2006 September 30, 23:43:41
that is what you get when you have risky woohoo mods!

If I really can't handle another baby in the house, I wait until it is born and then put it up for adoption via Inge's teleporter shrub.

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Weaver on 2006 October 01, 00:45:55
If you want an abortion in this instance, you can delete the Pregnancy Token (located in memories) with SimPE.
The only modification that allows per-Sim customisation of pregnancy is the ACR. It also includes risky woohoo options.,4691.0.html

(Arg! I just downloaded RC2c now RC2d is out, lol)

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 October 01, 01:12:03
Weaver, you are a lifesaver, thank you. You wouldn't think that the fact that they were pregnant would be located in memories, but that's me. I was looking all over my Sim's character file and other assorted crap. I never thought to check there.

I've been contemplating getting the Casual Romance Mod for some time now. I'm afraid I don't even know the full extent of what it does yet. I'll just have to read the read me. Thanks again!

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 October 01, 01:34:29
I love TJ's ASS *cough* I mean ACR, it got me started on reporting what my sims are up to and then shifting the whole thing to a blog.

ACR really spices up the game when you just let things happen *insert cool laughing emote*

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 October 01, 17:13:30
OTOH, a risky pregnancy is pretty much like real life, so in my game I just let it happen and let the sims live with the consequences. I know a few couples in RL who had to do the same thing. :)

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 October 01, 17:29:11
Hmm. Deleting the pregnancy controller in memories didn't efficiently end it, unfortunately. Ah well.

I have TJ's Casual Romance mod in my game now, though. That and the whole reason I have the risky pregnancy mod in is because it would be realistic and spice up gameplay a bit. I don't want to let it happen with these Sims though, because I'm a control freak about my game.

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 October 01, 17:32:50
Hmm. Deleting the pregnancy controller in memories didn't efficiently end it, unfortunately. Ah well.

The pregnancy modifier token some sims have in their memories is actually randomly assigned (or inherited from sims that already have it) and has nothing to do with actual pregnancy. It just shows that those sims have a higher chance of producing twins. Is this what you mean?

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 October 01, 17:56:50
I don't specificly know what it does or anything. I was just doing what Weaver had told me to do a few posts up. If it was randomly assigned too, then it seemingly got assigned at the moment my Sim got pregnant as well. Like I said, I don't really know what I'm doing here.

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Soylent Sim on 2006 October 01, 19:57:43
Interesting stuff, and I'll have to look mess with pregnancy in SimPE to see what fun stuff I can do later, but I'm curious where people figured out where the pregnancy modifier token came from.  I remember reading something way back in the day that tested it and found it wanting, as well as looking for an actual first tester for the case for the twin gene.  Pardon if this should be simple stuff, but to me it sounds like one of those things that everyone knows because they heard that everyone knows, rather than being able to point to something concrete.

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 01, 20:16:40
OTOH, a risky pregnancy is pretty much like real life, so in my game I just let it happen and let the sims live with the consequences. I know a few couples in RL who had to do the same thing. :)
In real life, it's cureable also. There are some people who  believe ailments, plagues, and infestations are tests from God, but Sims don't have any such wonky religious beliefs to prevent them from seeking cures.

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: proudbrunette on 2006 October 01, 21:42:35
relligious beliefs aren't wonky >:(

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Weaver on 2006 October 01, 21:46:32
The token should store the information on the pregnancy. It is sometimes not created (not sure why).
Make sure to uncheck the Pregnant body flags under Other or the sim will retain the shape.

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 October 01, 23:49:46
Yes, I did uncheck the pregnant body flags. Still no luck though. He just got a bigger belly than he did the time before when he aged.

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: resin on 2006 October 02, 01:17:42
relligious beliefs aren't wonky >:(

Please note the syntax:
J.M. did not say "all religious beliefs are wonky". He simply stated that some wonky religious beliefs exist, 'kay?
Nevertheless, if you are already offended, I strongly suggest you not ask him for further clarification...

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: proudbrunette on 2006 October 02, 01:33:22
i was just joking jeez ::)

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 October 02, 10:45:00
Interesting stuff, and I'll have to look mess with pregnancy in SimPE to see what fun stuff I can do later, but I'm curious where people figured out where the pregnancy modifier token came from.  I remember reading something way back in the day that tested it and found it wanting, as well as looking for an actual first tester for the case for the twin gene.  Pardon if this should be simple stuff, but to me it sounds like one of those things that everyone knows because they heard that everyone knows, rather than being able to point to something concrete.

To be honest, it's one of those things I picked up from a reliable source and found it logical. I had seen the Token-Pregnancy Modifier on one too many non-pregnant sims to surmise it's got nothing to do with actual pregnancy. If it's really supposed to up the twins pregnancy chance I don't know hands-on though. I haven't tested it extensively enough to see if it's true.

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 October 02, 15:22:43
Yeah I tried using InSim and deleting tokens and whatnot through SimPe and the sim still kept belly bumping.

Title: Re: Undoing Pregnancy
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2006 October 05, 19:06:27
I have a risky woohoo mod in my game and the latest version of insim 2.4 and I accidently clicked try fpr a baby with a sim that already had new born quads and I used insim to abort her it worked perfectly. but for the most part if my sims play they pay meaning unplanned ,unwanted pregnancy are facts of life they have to deal with. and I have two fathers right now paying child support to the out of wedlock children they helped create in my game. the fathers have also been teleported in to babysit when the nanny errantly leaves the  kids unattended while mom was still at work thus preventing the social worker from hijacking the unattended kids.My Sims oldest child from a night of fun in bed just entered Uni and he is a heartbreaker and he is also constantly  checking himself out in the mirror ;D