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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Rooby on 2006 September 30, 07:58:00

Title: What is this caca?
Post by: Rooby on 2006 September 30, 07:58:00
Erm, tonight I get gift from daughter - GL.  So, load it up, and DOH, all beautiful downloaded objects they are GONE!  Am I missing CEP update?  Did I hose myself beyond belief?  Is life still worth living?  Where does that highway go to?


Title: Re: What is this caca?
Post by: Ness on 2006 September 30, 08:08:12
you need to re-enable CC each time you install a new EP.

You know that pretty blue screen you just clicked ok to without reading?  Read it...  click enable, exit and reload.

Title: Re: What is this caca?
Post by: KatEnigma on 2006 September 30, 09:07:11
You also should have backed up your neighborhood and downloads folder before installing, like they warn you to do. Sometimes installing the new game makes your Sims 2 folder in My Documents go kaplooie. It's probably just that it's not enabled, but it's always in your best interest to remove all your downloads and back up your neighborhoods before installing anything new.

Title: Re: What is this caca?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 September 30, 16:56:03
Enable CC and reload the game. I had to do it too.