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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 29, 19:15:04

Title: Thou shalt not bounce...Taming the camera
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 29, 19:15:04
Okay, I have been living with this annoyance for so long....and I think I'm ready to beat it down with a little help from someone more versed in the bible of sims than I.
There are certain (many) lots that are nearly impossible to navigate and zoom in because the ground in uneven, or for any other architectural differences which make this so.
These lots are many times beautiful to look at, but impossible to play..
I wonder, is there any way to change this?  Perhaps by editing something within the camera files?   I don't care if I go through walls or the ground, lol, as long as I can play these lots without being thrown into the heavens every time I tried to zoom into the house. It's as though I hit a wind tunnel and am suddenly thrown over the house.
Does anyone have any idea how to change this?  Or am I forever doomed and restricted to using these lovely lots for decoration only?
I don't wish to move mountains....Only to drill a whole through them!
Thanks for any advice!

Title: Re: Thou shalt not bounce...Taming the camera
Post by: gali on 2006 September 29, 21:01:18
When I enter a lot that has uneven ground, I turn the "moveobjects on", pass to build mode, and from the road, start to make it smooth. If you see a tree, and it is within red space, move the tree to the side.

I do it since TS1, and succeeded to fix the Goth's lot 5 (if you remember, it is on a hill).

Title: Re: Thou shalt not bounce...Taming the camera
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 29, 21:54:18
Thanks for the comment :)
Are you talking about doing it just from one angle so that you can have at least one area where you can zoom?
There have been times that I've had lots that, no matter how much I smooth them, even if I do so completely, I still had this annoyance.  Does doing it from the road fix that?
On one lot in particular, it was completely smooth, but had a ton of roof bumps where when I tried to smooth them and build walls, it kept giving me the "can't level terrain" error, even though the ground below was completely smooth.  Also it had a bunch of fences and stairs, which I thought was on of the reasons it bounced.  It seemed like everytime I moved toward the fence, it once again sent me into the heavens, lol.
Thank you again for the advice :)