More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: PlayLives on 2006 September 29, 14:38:52

Title: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 September 29, 14:38:52
Does the order in which sims appear in the Chemistry-Relationship panel mean anything?
For example, if 2 sims appearing in the Chemistry panel both have 2bolts and same daily/lifetime score with the selected sim does the one that appears 1st on the list mean they have "more" chemistry with the selected sim?

What about 2bolts but daily/lifetime score differs, however the one with the lowest still appears 1st in the list?

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: dizzy on 2006 September 29, 14:56:31
I think they are sorted by in world+rel score, out of world+rel score in descending order, and not necessarily by Chemistry.

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 September 29, 15:07:53
by "in-world", "out of world", do you mean whether the sims in the panel are on the same lot as the selected sim? Does that have a "score" attached to it?

In my example, none of the sims in the panel (the bolt/chemistry panel not the normal relationship one) are on the same lot as the selected sim. When I look at his bolt/chemistry panel, there are sims that appear ahead of his fiancé that have lower daily/lifetime relationship scores with him even though they all have 2 bolts. His fiancé has 100/100 but other sims with 72/15, etc, appear before her. Was just wondering if that means he is more attracted to them?

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: dizzy on 2006 September 29, 15:15:02
I guess I may be wrong. Maybe it does go Chemistry, then Rel score.  :P

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 September 29, 16:01:48
Now, I know that I am nowhere near as Awesome Than Them, but I think it might also have something to do with the most recent score change. LTR takes precedence while you are building the relationship, so the sim you're building a rel with will be first in the list until the game cycles him back down to his proper place.

 I am pretty sure it's not as concrete as chemisty > LTR > DTR as someone can have the highest Daily and Lifetime score and have the same number of bolts as someone else but still be lower down on the panel. Playing the Bachelor Challenge gives you an idea of this. Sometimes, when I checked the scores at noon, the guy that had the highest score was third in the panel.

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 September 29, 16:44:53
I was trying to figure this out when testing the new version of my Find-a-Mate crystal ball because I kept getting some strange results when changing options. It's definately a combo of chemisty and relationship, but exactly how the relationship gets added is a somewhat of a mystery.

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 September 29, 16:59:50
I don't think it has to do with who you are currently building a relationship with either because the first sim that's listed in the bolts/chemistry panel my seleted sim has not even seen/spoke to her since college. He has 3bolts with her though (which didn't appear until they returned to the neighborhood   :-\). Never dated, no crush, nothing.
The 2nd in the list (2 bolts) but hasn't seen/spoke to her since college either. Never dated, no crush, nothing.
The 3rd is a townie (2 bolts) he just met, went on date, has a crush on (after he started going steady with his fiance). The rest are other townies who he never dated, etc..
His fiance is like #8 or something. They see each other everyday, 2bolts, have crushes, are in love and going steady.
*Again, I'm reffering to the order in then bolts/chemistry panel not the regular relationship panel.*

TwoJeffs, I was going to use the crystall-ball to see if it came up with the first couple of sims on the list (which would not include his fiance). I guess that wouldn't work to figure out what's going on, huh? lol

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: anyeone on 2006 September 29, 21:06:42
I'm a bit frustrated with the chemistry thing completely.

I'm tired of my sims getting heart thoughts about sims they have anti-chemistry with, and wanting to flirt with them, and wanting to ask them out on dates.

Sims should only desire romantic interactions with sims that they have at least one bolt with.


(This isn't covered by a hack, is it?  if it is, I am *so* going to get that hack.)

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: Sagana on 2006 September 29, 22:15:15
After agonizing over this for ages, I suddenly noticed the other day that if I go to relationships and click on the lightning bolt, other than sims on the same lot, the dang thing is in bolts, then alphabetical order! I'd been forever changing my sims around because I thought they liked some other sim better...

<feels very dumb>

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 29, 22:20:50

(This isn't covered by a hack, is it?  if it is, I am *so* going to get that hack.)

Oh, it is so covered by a couple of hacks. :) Pescado has 'noinstantloves' and 'norandomflirtwants' and the 'romancemod' -- you can find all of them in his forums, and particularly in the Director's Cut.

Twojeff's has 'no romance swoon', which keeps them from farting hearts over every romance sim they see, and his wonderful new 'Casual Romance' mod, which really makes relationships interesting. You'll find them in his forums here.

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: anyeone on 2006 September 29, 22:55:07
Thanks, I grabbed those hacks and look forward to more awesome play :)

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 September 30, 08:55:56
Doesn't the chemistry sort on the phone only consider chemistry?  I'm wondering because I'm using that to determine who I should most likely set my sims up with, so if it's more than just chemistry I wanna know.

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 30, 14:31:30
Doesn't the chemistry sort on the phone only consider chemistry?  I'm wondering because I'm using that to determine who I should most likely set my sims up with, so if it's more than just chemistry I wanna know.

I believe so, yes, but I'm not sure how it sorts when more than one sim has the same # of bolts.

Title: Re: Chemistry-Relationship panel - order mean anything?
Post by: dizzy on 2006 September 30, 14:54:41
I think Chemistry is handled internally closer to something like the way a Motive works (i.e. roughly between -100 and 100 points). The bolts are really just an approximation.