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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Dopp on 2006 September 29, 10:29:58

Title: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: Dopp on 2006 September 29, 10:29:58
I notice that many of my Sims have dozens of defunct relationships (0/0) cluttering up their relationships panel. I used Insim to remove the relationships and the MATY Lot Debugger to purge the neighborhood gossip. I then went into SimPE to remove the "Met So-and-So" memory. Is there anything else I need to do to get rid of the relationships for good or does anyone see a mistake in my procedure?

Edit: I'm worried that I might have overlooked something and ruined my neighborhood. Has anyone messed around with removing memories and is it safe to do so?

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: dizzy on 2006 September 29, 10:52:47
Err, I mean I have no idea.  :P

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: dusty on 2006 September 29, 11:14:58
I quite like using Monique's hacked gnome that lets you remove sims' pictures from the relationships panel. It doesn't change the relationship or alter memories though.

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 September 29, 11:20:05
Err, I mean I have no idea.  :P

Someone stole your initial reply dizzy?  :D

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: gali on 2006 September 29, 11:36:59
It's natural  - when a sim goes to a community lot, he sees many other sims. He befriend some of them, but sees the others, and "remembers" them. During the game, he may befriend some of the 0/0 relation sims, and he may not.

Sometimes, when some townie passes  near the house, and the sim sees him, but doesn't greet him, you will see too the 0/0 relationship with this townie.

It doesn't have to bother you, and to force you to use hacks to reduce it. The 0/0-relation sims are always at the end of the list, and appear only if the sim sees them again. Thus you know with whom you want to befriend him, and whom to pass by.

Too much energy for  such natural event...:).


Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 September 29, 11:43:44
Gali, those "seen only but not interacted with" sims are only visible with SimPE. I get a bunch of those for my sims, but none of them shows up in my Relationships panel in-game. Only after the Met so-and-so memory do they show up.

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: gali on 2006 September 29, 13:18:42
DrBeast, just today I sent my student sim to max all skills to the old hood community lot. While he was studying cooking, some proffesor from the college pased by. When he returned home, I saw the proff name in the relation panel, with 0/0 relations.
It means that my sim "noticed" him, and "rememberred" him.

Yes, I see in the SimPe too other reations that are not shown in the relation panel. But we talk about the "noticed but not met" sims. I think that the simulator tries to "direct" us that these sims are worth to befriend. 

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 September 29, 13:38:29
Strange...was the Prof. marked as Known in SimPE? I've never seen a Sim in my Relationships panel with whom I didn't have a Met Sim memory.

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 29, 13:43:20
I've never seen a Sim in my Relationships panel with whom I didn't have a Met Sim memory.

I see that all the time, especially after one of my sims goes to a community lot. He/she usually comes home with a bunch of new sims in the relationship panel @ 0/0, with no 'met' memories.

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: Emma on 2006 September 29, 14:14:32
I've never seen a Sim in my Relationships panel with whom I didn't have a Met Sim memory.

I see that all the time, especially after one of my sims goes to a community lot. He/she usually comes home with a bunch of new sims in the relationship panel @ 0/0, with no 'met' memories.

Me too, especially if they have been part of invited outings. No 'met' memory, but 0/0 in the relationships panel.

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: eamethyst on 2006 September 29, 14:29:17
That is strange.  I know in my game I can send a sim on an outing, and if they do not have some interaction with each of the members of their group, those members don't show in their relationship panel.  My game functions the same as Dr. Beast's.  The only sims who show in the relationship panel are those who also are represented by a "Met X" memory.

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 September 29, 16:14:14
The Sim Relationships panel in SimPE is absolutely chock-a-block with 0/0 relationships that do NOT have the "Known" box ticked.  This happens particularly when Sims go to community lots - everyone on that lot gets added to this list, even if your Sim never even acknowledges their existence.  I find it a pain in the proverbials and I hate the fact that they get added, because it makes it very hard to find the real relationships amongst all the non-existent ones.  Deleting them only works if you delete them from both sides and they will come back as soon as that Sim is in the same vicinity again.  Why they are there when they never appear in the relationship panel I have no idea, there seems no point to it.  The 0/0 relationships that do appear in the panel are ones that have the "Known" box ticked - i.e., your Sim has actually communicated with the other Sim at some point.  I tried Monique's remover but it was too laborious a process.  The relationship can be increased slowly if you use the Flamingo of Decay (it will go up 1 point per day for each flamingo placed).

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: SimulatedDork on 2006 September 29, 17:17:12
I quite like using Monique's hacked gnome that lets you remove sims' pictures from the relationships panel. It doesn't change the relationship or alter memories though.

Lol, that's very realistic, actually. Many people retain the "memory" of meeting somebody, but often cannot match faces to names.

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: Dopp on 2006 September 29, 17:20:30
The Sim Relationships panel in SimPE is absolutely chock-a-block with 0/0 relationships that do NOT have the "Known" box ticked.  This happens particularly when Sims go to community lots - everyone on that lot gets added to this list, even if your Sim never even acknowledges their existence.  I find it a pain in the proverbials and I hate the fact that they get added, because it makes it very hard to find the real relationships amongst all the non-existent ones.  Deleting them only works if you delete them from both sides and they will come back as soon as that Sim is in the same vicinity again.  Why they are there when they never appear in the relationship panel I have no idea, there seems no point to it.

Hmm, so if two Sims should so much as exist on the same lot, their fates will cross and their innocence will be lost forever?

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: gali on 2006 September 29, 18:49:39
I think the 0/0-relations were made with a special purpose: as you can increase relations through the phone - and with the phone hack you won't stop jabbering until 100 daily - but you don't have enough friends to be promoted in your job, you can call them, and start chatting each day a little bit, until you gain a new family friend.

Seems sensible.

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: Dopp on 2006 October 10, 11:58:51
Sorry to revive an old thread, but can I ask if deleting memories in SimPE messes up your game?

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: jrd on 2006 October 10, 12:01:30
Not that I am aware of. I often delete or re-arrange memories.

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 October 10, 22:22:20
Deleting memories that are other sims have links to, at least I thought, was bad. Like if sims have gossiped about that memory or witnessed it, and they get invisible memories about it or what not. I'm not sure if it actually causes the game to crash or if it just causes those squigly line speech bubbles when gossiping or bragging about an event.

You should be able to cascade delete memories using the latest version of SimPE, which theortically goes through your sims and deletes all other references to the memory you are deleting. Personally, I haven't been able to get that to work for me. I think my game is screwed up somehow. :P

Anyways, I don't know for sure if out right deleting memories causes any major problems, but I was under the impression that it wasn't something you should do without cleaning up all references linked to it.


Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: jrd on 2006 October 10, 22:25:58
Yeah, IF you delete, use Cascade delete.

Gossip can be cleared with the recent versions of the FFS lot debugger. This also fixes the squiggly lines.

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 October 10, 22:50:19
In an older neighborhood, using the Lot Debugger to clean out gossip memories can shrink the neighborhood file pretty well, too. Helps make it load a bit faster.

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: Dopp on 2006 October 11, 12:20:58
I purge the neighborhood gossip before deleting but is there anything else I should check for? I'm looking at the memories now and I notice several gossip memories with no subject...

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: Fish Dude on 2006 October 11, 16:15:41
In an older neighborhood, using the Lot Debugger to clean out gossip memories can shrink the neighborhood file pretty well, too. Helps make it load a bit faster.

Is there really even much of a point of the invisible gossip memories? it doesnt exactly seem like they need to be there...

Title: Re: Inducing Amnesia
Post by: seelindarun on 2006 October 11, 19:03:44
Is there really even much of a point of the invisible gossip memories? it doesnt exactly seem like they need to be there...

Novelty, I think.  I haven't nuked the gossip memories from my 'hoods, mainly because I like eavesdropping on my sims.  ;D  That, and as a relative novice, my oldest 'hood isn't really that big.

I'm occasionally surprised that some very old memories (like those of a previous generation) will crop up in an unrelated family.  I think this happens more since I put in AutoSoc, because of its heavy reliance on gossip as a social interaction.  Before that, the autonomous gossip and chat bubbles were a whole lot less interesting.

Anyway, I kind of like the idea that the infidelity of the town's first mayor has become part of the 'hood's collective history through gossip.  :D