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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 29, 04:50:41

Title: I could have sworn I saw this...Jail Ban hack?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 29, 04:50:41
I thought I had read awhile back about a hack that would disallow certain sims from appearing in community lots.  Something like a way to ban sims who are in jail from suddenly escaping and appearing in a community lot to fart and prank.
Am I imagining this?  I thought perhaps it might have been just a request I read about, but I thought someone had actually made the hack.  I searched all around the forum for "jail" but come up with nothing.
Can anyone confirm whether or not I am insane? (and possibly send proof in link form if I am not?)  ::)
thank you!

Title: Re: I could have sworn I saw this...Jail Ban hack?
Post by: sintrinity on 2006 September 29, 04:55:38
Maybe this?,2271.0.html

I don't mess with jails and such but it sounds like it would work.

Title: Re: I could have sworn I saw this...Jail Ban hack?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 29, 05:03:01
Oh, thanks for that!  It's not the visitor controller, but it is the jail token hack from simlogical I was thinking of. I'm browsing through now to see if there's a way to block sims from appearing on community lots.
I'm not actually using it for a jail, but for my house of Geisha Girls.  It just looks too weird for them to be roaming around and bowling in their kimono.  ::)

Title: Re: I could have sworn I saw this...Jail Ban hack?
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 September 29, 06:22:30
You'd need both Inge's prison token and the visitor controller for that scenario to work. The token by itself won't keep them off community lots. The visitor controller will by default stop them from ever appearing (you don't need to set anything special).

Title: Re: I could have sworn I saw this...Jail Ban hack?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 29, 06:38:45
Wonderful, thank you very much for that info...
That should work perfectly. :)

Title: Re: I could have sworn I saw this...Jail Ban hack?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 September 29, 09:03:17
I've never played with Inge's prison, but I love the prisoner token and the visitor controller.
It keeps my servant and slave sims from walking around town.

Title: Re: I could have sworn I saw this...Jail Ban hack?
Post by: Inge on 2006 September 29, 12:56:36
I originally made a small global hack just to test for the token, before Jeff made his controller, but I don't think it will be compatible with the current games now.

Title: Re: I could have sworn I saw this...Jail Ban hack?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 29, 18:29:19
okay, thanks Inge...I read about that global hack and wasn't sure about compatibility either, so I have downloaded TwoJeff's visitor controller along with your institution set.
I know TwoJeffs said it would work without any setup....Does that mean that as long as you have the visitor controller in your game, and give each "confined" sim a token, the game will auto-ban them from any community lot? Was the visitor controller specifically modified to seek out your tokens?  At first I thought I'd have to, at least, put a painting on each community lot, but when twojeffs said there was no need for any special configuration, I wondered if it was as simple as placing one of your jail/institution tokens (little cds) in the sims inventory.
That's what I took the information as, but still haven't worked with the configuration yet as I'm still in the process of building the Janpanese style home, but intend on having it setup by the evening.
Thanks so much for all of the advice....I still can't get over how very advanced all of these mods are....mind-blowing, really.

EDIT: Oh wait, I am probably getting the paintings hack and the global "adjust/visitors/ban from lot" hack.... If I'm correct in being wrong ;) then the visitor controller is separate from the paintings and has a different way of finding the (Inge's) tokens and auto-banning....That would make more sense to me, but initially caused an overload in my puny brain. Please correct me if I am wrong or perhaps, give me a pat on the head if I am right.

Title: Re: I could have sworn I saw this...Jail Ban hack?
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 September 29, 19:24:46
I know TwoJeffs said it would work without any setup....Does that mean that as long as you have the visitor controller in your game, and give each "confined" sim a token, the game will auto-ban them from any community lot? Was the visitor controller specifically modified to seek out your tokens?  At first I thought I'd have to, at least, put a painting on each community lot, but when twojeffs said there was no need for any special configuration, I wondered if it was as simple as placing one of your jail/institution tokens (little cds) in the sims inventory.

Yep, yep, and yep. :)

Title: Re: I could have sworn I saw this...Jail Ban hack?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 29, 20:47:39
Lovely, lovely and lovely.
Thank you!