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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: trudy on 2006 September 28, 13:20:53

Title: Grilled cheese?
Post by: trudy on 2006 September 28, 13:20:53
feel free to move me to RL.
I´ve been searching, I´ve been reading, I´ve been trying. But I don´t get it. What is a grilled Chesse Sim and how do I get one?

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: jrd on 2006 September 28, 13:26:55
A Grilled Cheese Sim is a Sim with the Grilled Cheese aspiration.

A Sim can get this aspiration if he uses the Renuyu-Senso-Orb aspiration reward (the aspreward which allows you to pick any aspiration) with a less than gold aspiration, and experiences a failure.

All wants for the affected Sim will revolve around eating, making, serving, and discussing Grilled Cheese sandwiches.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: trudy on 2006 September 28, 13:57:32
ahhhh, thx, great *g*

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: cabelle on 2006 September 28, 14:23:55
Also a Grilled Cheese sim will have the life time want (LTW) to eat 200 grilled cheese sandwiches. I'm working hard at clogging Kevin Beare's arteries with fulfilling that LTW.  I want that thombstone. ;D

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: eamethyst on 2006 September 28, 16:37:37
And, you must have Nightlife in order to make a Grilled Cheese sim.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 September 29, 18:49:09
By god, it's tedious to fulfull this LTW. I have a boooring Sim that I made grilled cheesy and I like her mooching around the house now as a shiftless stoner-artist type, because she's useless anyway, but she still goes to her record store clerk job. I'm thinking of having her quit her job so she can fit in more grilled cheese during the day. She's just gotten knocked up by her roommate, who is engaged to Lola Singles. Whoops.

On thing about GC sims is that it's really easy to get them promoted--she's practically perma-plat already because of how easy it is to fulfill her wants.

I wish there was a slacker asperation. I could see it combining the GC aspiration with the pleasure asperation. They should want to watch TV, influence their friends to order a pizza, and nap, along with all the grilled cheese eating. They should dread leaving the house and getting promoted.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Batelle on 2006 September 29, 19:31:14
I married Mr. Big into my legacy family and made him a Grilled Cheese sim.  He kept his LTW to become Chief of Staff, but all of his wants are the typical GC.  It's endearing at first, but the dining room is always littered with uneaten sandwiches and everyone's fitness meter is slipping down a little everyday.  And it makes me hungry.   

I think the ideal candidate to be a grilled cheese sim is the wife of a family sim who wants a load of babies.  She can stay at home, eating grilled cheese without as many consequences to her fitness, studying cooking and feeding the kids and spouse grilled cheese whenever they're home. 

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 September 29, 19:47:34
Batelle, that's a great idea! GC sims have no ambitions outside of the house, or to buy things, so they'd be perfect babyranchers.

It does make me a little sad though, even though they're just pixels. I can just see the kids: "Mommy! Mommy! I love Mommy!" and the mom's like, "I love grilled cheese." A bit like being raised by a lobotomy victim. Hee.  :D

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Orikes on 2006 September 29, 20:12:08
My favorite grilled cheese sim of all time is Candi's Don Uglacy, the Chili-Cookin', Secret Society, Grilled Cheese Zombie.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: songsmith on 2006 September 29, 20:20:04
 ;D There can be only Don! *swoons*

Grilled cheese sims are easy to keep platinum, so you can get a platinum tombstone even if they don't eat 200 sandwiches. You just need to watch their life meter.

My most successful one was a sim from a join legacy. The family had a home ticket-taker business. She had no job, so she spent her time serving grilled cheese sandwiches to the customers. They loved it, the sandwiches got eaten, and the family was spared a few thousand calories every day or so.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: rohina on 2006 September 29, 20:25:12
I have found the inventory option quite handy for the demented grilled cheese sim in my legacy house. She can keep the plate with her, and this spares the other family members.

I have to say, it kind of seems in character for this sim, too. "No! You can't eat my cheese!"

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 September 29, 21:54:44
I've never really played Grilled Cheese Sims unfortunately. I had played one once, but it wasn't too long before I switched them back because I didn't find it very satisfying to play a Sim like that.

If I were to actually play a Grilled Cheese Sim now that I have OFB, I would want to have them open a restaurant. It sounds like a pretty decent idea to me, and I could even have other Grilled Cheese Sims go there to eat. Perhaps have it be entirely Grilled Cheese employed. I don't particularly know if I would want that many Grilled Cheese Sims wandering about, though. That and the townies would probably be awfully annoying when they decide to be upset that they walk into a Grilled Cheese restaurant that doesn't serve anything else.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Batelle on 2006 September 29, 22:08:34
It does make me a little sad though, even though they're just pixels. I can just see the kids: "Mommy! Mommy! I love Mommy!" and the mom's like, "I love grilled cheese." A bit like being raised by a lobotomy victim. Hee. 

That's true.  They do only care about the sandwiches.  The first grilled cheese sim I ever made was a trophy bride/former romance sim.  I hated her for causing problems in my neighborhood so I cheesed her.  She was amusing to watch because she would be so cheerful about eating the grilled cheese, and when it was done she would stare folornly at her empty plate and slump a little.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Ambular on 2006 September 30, 02:56:33
An interesting bit of trivia I discovered when I was studying Sim compatibility is that Grilled Cheese is the only Aspiration that has no bad or very bad matches.  Everyone else at least seems to tolerate them, and they either like or are liked by (I'm not quite sure which) Wealth and Pleasure Sims.  Possibly this can be ascribed to pity on the part of the other Aspirations, but I think it's interesting nonetheless...

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 September 30, 05:06:39
That's normal. would you want to go on a date with someone who talks about nothing but chesse?  ;D

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Verona on 2006 September 30, 05:29:26
I did go on a date (luncheon date) with a friend that kept raving about a local restaurant that served "adult grilled cheese" sandwiches.....made me think of the sims, which she doesn't play.

Honey, that was some sandwich.  Five kinds of cheese on texas toast.  Sandwich was like 3" tall. 1" was cheese. I could easily become a sims grilled cheese aspiration if I could have that sandwich 3 times a day.  It's the only way I make them now.  ;D

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 September 30, 09:04:49
I have a grilled cheese sim that owns a food store that only sells grilled cheese sandwitches.  I've got the customer selecter set up to bring in any and every sim with the grilled cheese aspiration, as well as the townies so there's enough shoppers.  My grilled cheese sims end up with plenty of sandwitches in their inventory.  Occasionally I'll have the owner serve the sandwitches instead of selling them and (since I have that mod that makes it so that visitors aspiration points matter) it makes for a lot of happy sims.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 September 30, 21:02:54
Avalikia, any chance that you could show me where you got that mod? It sounds pretty cool, even if some townies are constantly pissy because of bad aspiration.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 September 30, 22:11:32
Avalikia, any chance that you could show me where you got that mod? It sounds pretty cool, even if some townies are constantly pissy because of bad aspiration.

It's by Squinge.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 01, 20:26:18
I have found the inventory option quite handy for the demented grilled cheese sim in my legacy house. She can keep the plate with her, and this spares the other family members.

I have to say, it kind of seems in character for this sim, too. "No! You can't eat my cheese!"
I wasn't aware Grilled Cheese sims wanted to hoard their Grilled Cheese. I thought they WANTED everyone to eat the grilled cheese.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 01, 22:13:30
This particular sim hardly ever gets that want. She wants to serve it, but then she wants to eat it all herself.

Title: Re: Grilled cheese?
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 October 02, 00:04:48
Ah. Okay. Thanks ever so much, SaraMK. Now my grilled cheese restaurant should be a bit more purposeful.