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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: KittKitt on 2006 September 27, 14:24:26

Title: Turn off car stereo bug
Post by: KittKitt on 2006 September 27, 14:24:26
Ok, I searched and found nothing pertaining to this specifically.

Recently, I've noticed that if I use a car stereo and then attept to turn it off, the sim(s) in the car 'jump' somewhere else on the lot (though they're still playable, selectable, etc) and the stereo keeps playing.

I can turn it on or change the station without any problem, but the only way I found to turn the damn thing off is to sell the car and buy a new one.  Not good.  =/

I'm running UNI + NL + OFB + FFS + almost the entire DC and a few assorted hacks by mostly the modders here, though for the life of me I can't think of any of them that should have anything to do with this.

Any ideas?


Title: Re: Turn off car stereo bug
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 September 27, 14:40:00
Turn on debug mode and when the sim jumps, your game should generate an error log. Attach it here.

Also, I vaguely recall a hack from MTS2 related to radios and cars. I forget what it's supposed to do exactly, but I think it might be from Numenor. it either prevents or forces sims to turn off the radio or something. *shrugs*

Anyways, post an error log regardless, in case it happens to be a Maxis bug.


Title: Re: Turn off car stereo bug
Post by: KittKitt on 2006 September 27, 14:48:28
Turn on debug mode and when the sim jumps, your game should generate an error log. Attach it here.

Also, I vaguely recall a hack from MTS2 related to radios and cars. I forget what it's supposed to do exactly, but I think it might be from Numenor. it either prevents or forces sims to turn off the radio or something. *shrugs*

Anyways, post an error log regardless, in case it happens to be a Maxis bug.


Oooh... now you mention it..  I think I *do* have a hack by Numenor that makes sims ... oh wait.  The one I use is to make them turn off TVs, not stereos.  I use custom MP3s for most stations and like to leave the tunes on, so I don't think that's it.

Anyways, it probably won't be today (if I fire it up, I'll be there half the day and I got things to do sorta-soonish), but I'll post that log ASAP.  I kinda doubt it's a maxian bug though (hah!  say that with a straight face! LOL) since if it were, I'd expect my searches to turn up *something*.   But eh, we'll see I suppose and hopefully find some sort of solution.  :)


Title: Re: Turn off car stereo bug
Post by: jrd on 2006 September 27, 14:54:10
Numenor also has a hack where the car stereo is turned off if the sim gets out of the car.

Title: Re: Turn off car stereo bug
Post by: KittKitt on 2006 September 30, 07:30:47
As promised:


Never done an attachment before on here, so hopefuly it'll work.  It's just a plain error log in txt format, and it's pretty greek to me ^_^

Thanks for looking.  :)


Title: Re: Turn off car stereo bug
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 September 30, 17:58:13
It appears to be a bug in the code. I'm looking into a fix for it now.

ETA: No it's not a bug after all, just a type of code I wasn't familiar with. So, it's got to be a hack or something else causing the problem. If you temporarily remove your custom music do you still get the error? I'd try that as well as removing all cc from the game just to test and see if that fixes the problem.