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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 15, 02:07:18

Title: daily gardener
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 15, 02:07:18
Hi JM I have found that the daily gardener works with Nightlife no problems as yet. ;D ;D ;D ::) ::)

Title: Re: daily gardener
Post by: Scotty on 2005 September 15, 13:05:55
UGH. Now you tell me. I removed it last night with several other leftover hacks. I was having trouble with the Vampires, and one of my hacks was the cause of it. I need to find a no weed hack again. Another victim of mt hack deletion spree.

Title: Re: daily gardener
Post by: LFox on 2005 September 24, 21:00:26
I use the daily gardener in my game with NL and i have no problems with the match maker.  However i did remove all the other hacks that i thought had their content changed which would screw things up, things like want hacks ect.

Title: Re: daily gardener
Post by: Karen on 2005 September 24, 21:17:02
Did you try calling the matchmaker on the phone?  In my experience the dailygardener seems to interfere with the Call Service...Matchmaker option on the phone.  If you have it installed, the matchmaker dialogs come up blank (no text).  Remove it, and everything works normally.


Title: Re: daily gardener
Post by: LFox on 2005 September 24, 23:14:58
OH so that's causing the blank dialogs?  I have blank dialogs with cars too but had no idea what was the cause.  Personally i can live with that until the hacks updated because for big houses having a gardener come less than daily is too little.  The match maker herself works fine, can buy potions get matched ect its just the dialogs.

Title: Re: daily gardener
Post by: U_Dog_U on 2005 September 26, 19:55:30
DG's been updated.

Title: Re: daily gardener
Post by: dizzy on 2005 September 30, 07:13:30

Title: Re: daily gardener
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 October 16, 07:11:16
Well I went to play the sims and went to the downtown hood that came with the game and this is since the patch, The daily gardener dose not work in the down town lots for me any more

Title: Re: daily gardener
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 16, 20:30:45
Does it still work in the regular neighborhood, though?  None of my sims are getting more than a couple of shrubs until that mod is updated.  I tried having nice yards without it and there's just no way!  The gardener comes and says, 'Your plants are in beautiful condition today!' and leaves.  The next day all the shrubs need trimming, the weeds are knee-deep and the flowers are wilting and she won't be back for two more days.  AAARRRGGGHHHH!

Title: Re: daily gardener
Post by: Venusy on 2005 October 16, 20:37:28
Does it still work in the regular neighborhood, though?  None of my sims are getting more than a couple of shrubs until that mod is updated.  I tried having nice yards without it and there's just no way!  The gardener comes and says, 'Your plants are in beautiful condition today!' and leaves.  The next day all the shrubs need trimming, the weeds are knee-deep and the flowers are wilting and she won't be back for two more days.  AAARRRGGGHHHH!
Does Macro.../Garden still work? If it does, you may wish to consider using that to garden instead of hiring a gardener.

Title: Re: daily gardener
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 October 17, 02:41:58
Well this is not good at all I will be removing my daily gardener as it is totaly useless since the patch I cant get him to come every day in my base hood either. Sometimes patches are annoying.

Title: Re: daily gardener
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 17, 09:54:02

Thanks Dizzy. Am back to reinstalling the hacks one by one *yawn* Damn EA, damn patches...grrr.