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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Charamei on 2006 September 27, 10:47:01

Title: Sims can't/won't get pregnant.
Post by: Charamei on 2006 September 27, 10:47:01
I've recently:
 - Reinstalled TS2
 - Fixed the Strangetown DNA
 - Merged Pleasantview and Strangetown.

And I think I went wrong somewhere in #2, because Jenny Smith is now pathologically incapable of becoming pregnant. The option doesn't come up with PT9 in bed, nor does InSIM (Have baby with... PT9 and I think I tried Alien Pollination as well) work on her.

I'm reasonably sure that it's not a hack conflict, because Cassandra Goth (TfB in bed) and Dina Caliente (InSIM --> Alien Pollination) both managed just fine on the pregnancy front in the same play session.

Jenny has five days to go, so she's not too old or anything. The option just won't come up. I turned debug mode on, and no error box appeared; I forced errors on both her and PT9 and reset them; still no dice. I haven't tried with any other Strangetown Sims, because none of the others are really in a position for me to do so.

Here ( is a picture of her DNA as SimPE is displaying it. Where've I gone wrong? ???

Title: Re: Sims can't/won't get pregnant.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 27, 10:50:30
5 days is, in fact, too old. You get an interesting bit of wobble, however, where the 5 day mark begins the moment it rolls past 1800 and your clock goes to "5 days", but suddenly becomes available again after midnight until about noon. It's quite strange. There's nothing wrong, however, this is simply a normal game feature. Maxis did not handle it too well, though. I would have let you try anyway, and find out the hard way that they're too old. :P

Title: Re: Sims can't/won't get pregnant.
Post by: Charamei on 2006 September 27, 10:54:54
Ah. Well, that explains it, then.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Sims can't/won't get pregnant.
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 September 27, 15:36:43
I thought it was 4 days?  I'm pretty sure I had them get pregnant with 4 days to go before I started using autonomous TFB. 

Title: Re: Sims can't/won't get pregnant.
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2006 September 27, 21:13:27
I think I had to use InSim to add a day to Jenny's life to get her pregnant, because they don't have the asp points for the elixer.  I don't think I got the option for "Try for baby" with her, either, when I first started playing the hood.  And I didn't fix the DNA or anything like that before I had them try.

Title: Re: Sims can't/won't get pregnant.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 28, 04:30:51
Jenny's not SUPPOSED to get more spawn. 2 is enough, don't you think? Especially given how FUBAR the Curious family DNA is.