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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MxxPwr on 2006 September 27, 05:20:41

Title: The Slim System Bed
Post by: MxxPwr on 2006 September 27, 05:20:41

Must be living under a rock here.  :)

How long has the 'Slim System' bed by 'Jim Slimboy' been messed up?!

Had a new family buy one, queued up a kid to sleep in it, and, bam! huge forced reset and the bed is adios.

::Sigh:: Can't go on the sheeple sight; they won't let you write up bug reports anymore.


::Edited because I forgot I don't have a signature on this site yet telling my current TS2 status: I have everything up to and including GLS; this was my no-hack user, so no conflicts there (but probably why it's messing up  :)    It was in a custom hood.

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 September 27, 20:18:19
I don't have any problems with the bed. Works fine in my game and I have all EPs/SPs also.

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: Weaver on 2006 September 27, 22:06:59
If you get an error notice, attaching the log can help identify.
(My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Logs)

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: MxxPwr on 2006 September 27, 22:42:15
Hmmm. Interesting. I'll try to reproduce it tonight. If not with my 'break it' hood, then with the hood and lot in question.

Nope, no error log that I can see. Just the run-of-the-mill audio errors. Everything else is 0 kb.

FWIW, right after it happened, I opened the expanded cheat window, and toggled moveobjects on/off (just in case I got stupid and left moveobjects on from a previous mishap) and saw nothing that I can remember out of the ordinary on the list. You know, something, something... 'primitives' ...expand, moveobjects on, moveobjects off, exit.

It's the damndest thing too. I've never seen this kind of 'reset' before; at least, not unless I patched or added an expansion. I mean, everyone who was already sleeping or napping just 'popped up' standing beside their respective bed. And the bed in question just disappeared. Shame too, it's a 1050 simoleans!  :)

Oh, well. At least now I know I wasn't using a bed that everybody can point and laugh at me saying, 'Ha, ha! Everybody knows a child can't use the Slimboy bed!'  ;D

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: MxxPwr on 2006 September 28, 01:15:38
Hmmm... Couldn't reproduce it with my 'break it' hood. Went back to the hood and lot in question to see if I can reproduce it there, and I have a broken dining chair (Contempo Penn Station side chair). That's the chair the child had to get up from to go to the Slimboy bed.


Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 September 28, 01:18:25
If the error reset the whole lot, that's not a good sign. An object error should never do that and could be a sign of major problems with something on that lot. If I were you I would move that family out and bulldoze the sucker.

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: MxxPwr on 2006 September 28, 02:35:04
If the error reset the whole lot, that's not a good sign. An object error should never do that and could be a sign of major problems with something on that lot. If I were you I would move that family out and bulldoze the sucker.

Good idea. It was a ugly house anyway.


Ah! There, that's better.

For the record I couldn't duplicate it, even on that lot. If I had to guess, and I'm ignorant, something erred and it deleted the bed because of error suppression? If so, that's darn near crazy. What if I had queued her up to talk to somebody else when this error occured. Would it have deleted them?

Anyway, I'll chalk it up to being over. House is burned down with the grey skinned girl and boy with it. No more grudge on this lot. :::cleans hands of whole deal:::

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 28, 18:23:47
Might I ask....WHat is the Slim System Bed?  I searched here but found no reference to it other than this thread....

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: MxxPwr on 2006 September 28, 18:58:39
The 'Slim System Bed by Slimboy' is just a single bed you can buy from the regular Buy Mode - Seating. The only notable thing about it is that it has a canopy.

I can't remember when it was added to the game.

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: Nihale on 2006 September 28, 19:06:20
It was there from the base game. It's the bed used in the Curious household... or, at least, I think it is.

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 28, 19:47:48
okay, gotcha....Thank you for the clarification.

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 29, 12:04:27
In other words, you've never heard of it because it's crap, and as such, is never used in your game, because you don't want crap for mission-critical equipment.

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 September 29, 14:33:01
Heh, yes it is crap. I had to look it up in the game to even see which bed it was. I just happened to have the game open when MxxPwr posted the question so I tested it out. I haven't used that bed since my very first iteration of Pleasantview.

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: jrd on 2006 September 29, 14:42:52
Any bed with a low energy rating (less than 6?) is not worth it.
I've long been intending to "upgrade" the Maxis default beds... maybe I'll get around to releasing that mod one day.

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: seelindarun on 2006 September 29, 20:29:00
I frequently use this bed for children in some of my families who haven't become obscenely wealthy yet.  For them, it doesn't seem to matter because children drain their energy so much faster.  It seems like they all want to go to bed by 7 or 8pm, unless they have 7+ activity points.  Better beds re-energise them by 1 or 2am, but waking them up to skill just twists their sleep cycles.

After school naps take too long for my liking.  Apart from cheating them some activity points, is there any way to keep kids up longer?

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 29, 22:29:34
Well, they can't drink coffee, so the alternative is something that makes them stay in bed until you want them up.  And that something is found right here in Pescado's forums, known as the 'Sleep clock'.  It'll call them to bed at the right time (assuming you also have Macrotastics installed), and it keeps them in bed until their set 'wake-up' time.

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: seelindarun on 2006 September 30, 02:26:34
Thanks Joe.  That's the system I use now, whether they have good beds or not.  :)  I don't mind my sim-children going to bed right after dinner, but if there was a secret Awesome way to make more time for skilling, by god I had to have it!  :D

Title: Re: The Slim System Bed
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 30, 02:32:53
Thanks Joe.  That's the system I use now, whether they have good beds or not.  :)  I don't mind my sim-children going to bed right after dinner, but if there was a secret Awesome way to make more time for skilling, by god I had to have it!  :D
Well, my experiments in Advanced Slavedriving have found there *ARE* ways to keep them going longer, under the right conditions: Here's what I do: Make sure you have an instructor available that's fully charged and ready to launch. Make sure the kid is prepared in everything except energy, which should probably be about to run out by now. Then ask for instruction on either the Candy Machine or the Surgery Table: Neither of those two will abort for low energy and you'll be able to slavedrive kids on them until they finally max out and pass out. Crack that whip!

Also, definitely do not tolerate laziness. Active 10 or bust!