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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Shivani on 2006 September 24, 13:25:05

Title: Eh? Wants gone wonky.
Post by: Shivani on 2006 September 24, 13:25:05
Okay, so I did a search and all I noticed were references to things like video cards and lot sizes so... 

The evidence:


Every want this guy has that gives influence has that same (x5) bit.  Nobody else in the household is affected, and it doesn't seem to be causing any problems, but it makes me wonder.

Has anyone else seen this particular phenomena?

Note: I haven't gone back in to check him again yet, nor have I forced an error, and I will provide an exhaustive list of my mods if necessary (that is, if I can remember how to redirect a directory listing to a text file so I can attach and/or cut and paste it in).

Edit: Whoops... should this have gone into the child board?

Title: Re: Eh? Wants gone wonky.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 24, 13:42:29
This is normal. It's caused by the Influence Business Perk, which gives you 5x more points for filling any influence want. The flipside is that there *IS* a bug where anything that grants more than 6000 influence when filled will instead overflow and give you negative influence, wiping out your meter.

Title: Re: Eh? Wants gone wonky.
Post by: Shivani on 2006 September 24, 13:45:36
I can dig that, but that sim has passed on his ... eh, maybe he didn't pass on those last couple from the right hand column.  The other three, yes.

All right, thank you.  I'll have to remember to look at that again next time I go in.

Title: Re: Eh? Wants gone wonky.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 24, 13:47:35
"Passing On" a perk does not make you lose it. Perks can be passed to anyone in the household as many times as you want. The entire neighborhood could  be passed perks if you move the passer about vagabond-style.

Title: Re: Eh? Wants gone wonky.
Post by: Shivani on 2006 September 24, 13:51:40
Right, I have seen clarification in other threads that perks are not lost via the "pass on" option.

I'm just saying he's "shared" with the rest of the applicable household.  I can only assume that the perk in question that causes this is from the rightmost column, and is either the third, fourth, or fifth available, since he may not have passed those around yet, which would explain why the others don't have this explosion of influence.