More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: bimbelina on 2006 September 23, 12:56:08

Title: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: bimbelina on 2006 September 23, 12:56:08
Obviously, I've installed something non-awesome.  I thought I'd removed all such relationship hacks, but there must be something left behind.  My sims lifetime relationships get up to 100 pretty quickly and stay there, even when the daily is low or negative, and even if they never see that sim again.  I've even got a few that are flagged as enemies, but still have a lifetime relationship of 100.  This has been bugging me for quite sometime.  Any idea of what I might have done to cause this?  I'm a compulsive downloader, and I know I have too much stuff in my game, but if anyone has an idea of where to look, it would be greatly appreciated.  I've already removed Monique's relationship hacks - any other likely candidates?

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: Weaver on 2006 September 23, 13:42:16
Squinge's no relationship decay hack (

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: bimbelina on 2006 September 23, 15:46:40
Ah, that must be it.  I thought the one I have would only turn off the annoying warning, but I guess there are other side effects.  I think it is time to get rid of Squingey-type things and just stick with the awesome.  Too much weirdness otherwise.  Thanks for the pointer!  I'll post again if that was the culprit (or not).  May take a few playing sessions to find out.

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: Rose Outlaw on 2006 September 24, 00:52:28
It should be Squinge's mod which caused the weird friendship increase. Exactly the same symptoms in my game until I removed that hack.

If you're still looking for a friendship modifying hack, maybe you should try Monique's Relationship (STR) Decay Hack over at MTS2.

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 September 24, 00:56:47
Ah, that must be it.  I thought the one I have would only turn off the annoying warning, but I guess there are other side effects.  I think it is time to get rid of Squingey-type things and just stick with the awesome.  Too much weirdness otherwise. 

actually what would help you is reading the info on the hacks you download. Squinge states quite clearly
This mod prevents relationship decay
right at the top of his post.

I have over 200 hacks in my game - 40something are by Squinge, 40something by twojeffs, 60something by JM and some by eric, jase, syberspunk, monique, crammyboy and others - and I think they are all awesome. Please don't be a "fanboy/girl" like so many others here, there are alot of awesome hackers/modders in the sims community.

People make comments about Squinge doing so many hacks, well the fact is he does hacks that people request - so they can enjoy their game even more. What is wrong with that?

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 September 25, 21:16:28
Same here, I have mods by many different modders (Pescado, Twojeffs, Squinge, Syberpunk etc) but unlike many, I take the time to read the RTFM before I install a mod and keep all the original files in a special folder so if ever for some reason I don't remember exactly what a mod do, I can check easily.  The combination I have works perfectly, no weirdness or side effects because I know of what each of them do in my game.

I also use Paladin's hack detection tool every time I add a new mod so I am sure it won't conflict with other mod I have already in game.

Maybe you should simply not install everything that looks shinny if you don't actually remember what you have in game, becasue if you do, you will or might create mod conflict.  ::)

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: dizzy on 2006 September 26, 00:53:42
People make comments about Squinge doing so many hacks, well the fact is he does hacks that people request - so they can enjoy their game even more. What is wrong with that?

Nothing wrong with that, of course. I have noticed, however that the trend in his hacks is to turn autonomy on or off for any number of behaviors. I use a few of them, but I think if I were tempted to ever use a lot of them, I would ultimately just turn off Free Will and use Macrotastics for that particular situation.

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: bimbelina on 2006 September 26, 05:14:30
actually what would help you is reading the info on the hacks you download. Squinge states quite clearly
This mod prevents relationship decay
right at the top of his post.

Thank you for the snotty advice.  How do you know I didn't read it?  Perhaps I just read it months ago and don't remember it now.  At any rate, the problem I'm seeing isnt' so much that decay isn't happening at all (thought it didn't seem to be) but that LTR increases to 100 under conditions where it shouldn't, and then it stays high.

I have over 200 hacks in my game - 40something are by Squinge, 40something by twojeffs, 60something by JM and some by eric, jase, syberspunk, monique, crammyboy and others - and I think they are all awesome. Please don't be a "fanboy/girl" like so many others here, there are alot of awesome hackers/modders in the sims community.

Congrats on your superior hack count.  Glad to hear you are enjoying it.  Please don't be the type of person who dictates to others how they think or feel.  If I want to be a Pescado fan, that is surely my privilege.  If I choose to stick to hacks that I know don't conflict with one another, I'll do so, and if I choose to post to a public forum about it, I'll do that too.  It is not your place to tell me what to do or feel.  You really added nothing of value to this thread, unless your intent was to get a rise out of me.

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 September 26, 06:11:33
*twojeffs opens vent on the thread to let the steam out.

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: Theo on 2006 September 26, 09:45:00
*Theo gives twojeffs a mitten, just for precaution*

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: Weaver on 2006 September 26, 17:02:14
Well.. at the moment I'm using a few of Squinge's for features or annoyance squelching.
The "ah ah, staying alive (discos of fire)" hack and "begone foul sim" hacks have my keen interest.
Variety is nice, but conflicts are important to avoid.

Every true believer knows the real non-awesome hacks are the ones that allow blasphemous intimacies with relatives !!!

At any rate, the problem I'm seeing isnt' so much that decay isn't happening at all (thought it didn't seem to be) but that LTR increases to 100 under conditions where it shouldn't, and then it stays high.

Does that happen with previous negative relation scores?
There's some weird default coding that makes domestic thieves into best friends (the Marsha Effect).
Fixed by enemiesaccumilate.

I recall a few other files that alter relationship scores (add x every y day) but may be confusing them with ageing alterations.

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: bimbelina on 2006 September 27, 02:53:35
At any rate, the problem I'm seeing isnt' so much that decay isn't happening at all (thought it didn't seem to be) but that LTR increases to 100 under conditions where it shouldn't, and then it stays high.

Does that happen with previous negative relation scores?
There's some weird default coding that makes domestic thieves into best friends (the Marsha Effect).
Fixed by enemiesaccumilate.

I recall a few other files that alter relationship scores (add x every y day) but may be confusing them with ageing alterations.

Yes, it was happening with previously  negative scores, and thanks for your comment.  I hunted a bit and found that I had enemiesaccumulate turned off - not sure why I would have done that, must have been troubleshooting something that I no longer remember caring about.  Anyway, getting rid of Squinge's no relationship warning and restoring enemiesaccumulate fixed the problem.  Lifetime relationship scores are behaving normally again.

For anyone who helped, thanks very much.  For those who only amused, thank you too!

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 27, 03:00:39
People make comments about Squinge doing so many hacks, well the fact is he does hacks that people request - so they can enjoy their game even more. What is wrong with that?
Nothing. Except that doing so means your products are not compatible even with each other. Which in turn makes them that much more difficult to test, since you can't simply run with them in your game. And that you can't simply expect to plug in a Squinge-product and expect it to work. Some of his stuff is useful...but by no means can his name be considered effective branding.

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: Inge on 2006 September 27, 06:48:31
Yeah but I go for the Squinge-type hack rather than the bigger ones because I like to pick and mix at that level.   We all have a slightly different set of annoyances with Sims' behaviour.   I don't mind if some of it doesn't work, I just shrug and delete the file.   It doesn't take as long to track down as if it's buried in something like InTeenimator or a Macro Bathroom controller.   No disrespect meant, cos I know lots of people really do want the all-in hacks.

Title: Re: OK, what did I do now?
Post by: jrd on 2006 September 27, 07:45:40

Plus with smaller hacks it is usually trivial to fix them to work with other hacks.
In huge hacks like the inteen if something is messed up I often don't know where to begin to look. Making the private school bill fix was more luck than wisdom, my other hack fix attempts (mainly Ste's "hide try for baby options") have failed.