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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: gali on 2005 September 14, 16:10:22

Title: Bugs found in NL
Post by: gali on 2005 September 14, 16:10:22
Credits go to HRH Posie Flump, who found the BBS thread. I think you shoud read it.,item.43,item.41,item.23&threadID=37827713ec5bd194ee65ca83ab66065b&directoryID=81&startRow=1

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 14, 18:41:30
It's comforting to see that one user only experienced one bug after installing NL:

Uni disappeared along with everything that came with it.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: LK on 2005 September 14, 21:08:18
That's not a fiery ball visible from space.  That's a supernova visible from another galaxy.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: nectere on 2005 September 14, 21:10:30
see I think this is one of those installation issues that I was talking about in the other thread, soemtimes you get a so so install, other times an obviously bad install and once in a while a good clean install, but you never know until you have waited through the loading screen and fire up your game.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: LK on 2005 September 14, 21:12:20
True--I agree it's a "bad" install.  You're supposed to diasble antivirus software and close all programs; I suspect this user was running McAfee, Symantic, and Nortan at the same time and then forcibly removed RAM.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: nectere on 2005 September 14, 21:14:12
lol...well uhm ok. I have reinstalled numerous times with differing effects and that is after I turned all background tasks off including explorer.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: LK on 2005 September 14, 21:20:30
Hmm...I don't reinstall on a weekly basis (like some BBSers can claim), but I've never had anything necessarily screw up while installing a game.  That I can remember.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: nectere on 2005 September 14, 21:33:02
maybe I have a "bad" TS2 disc then because whenever I tried to reinstall I would get failed to initialze or some such damn error for several tries and then all of the sudden it would start taking the disc again. It was always a crap shoot as to whether I got a clean install or not there for a while. It all started initially because I moved too many sims around the neighborhoods. Admittedly I like pushing the envelope so basically I intentionally screwed up my game numerous times testing this and that. I finally got a clean install eventually but it took about three or four tries. Needless to say I am done testing and pushing the base game to its limits, then again I really dont play that much anymore since I got Uni. (which oddly enough installed perfectly the first try and since I had access to all the fixes I really havent had too many problems with it other than ones I have mentioned in the fix thread, of course its probably because I dont play that much anymore)

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: Renatus on 2005 September 14, 21:37:20
Possibly bad install discs - I remember reading about people having to return Sims2 after buying it to get new discs, some apparently came bad. Possibly a dying CD drive, though - one of the symptoms is increasing problems reading CDs (I say from painful personal experience). It's also worth checking to see that there is no dust, fingerprints, or flaws in or on the disc, especially near the middle.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: nectere on 2005 September 14, 21:43:34
Its a brand new dvd drive that doesnt have any issues with any other disc except the TS2 one. The disc isnt scratched or anything, it just might be a bad disc but I am/was too lazy to return it. I am just saying you never know if you have a good install until you play the game, which is why in some cases I think some people may have more bugs or uncommon bugs than others because the discs are flakey or of poor quality. Maybe...maybe not.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: MokeyHokey on 2005 September 15, 11:23:05
Here's one--place a bed into your inventory when you move, and it's then broken.  It won't place the headboard against a wall, only the foot.  Annoying, since the idea was to SAVE money by taking the old bed.  Instead, I had to blow it on a new one.  :-\

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: knitro on 2005 September 15, 16:46:56
Here's one--place a bed into your inventory when you move, and it's then broken.  It won't place the headboard against a wall, only the foot.  Annoying, since the idea was to SAVE money by taking the old bed.  Instead, I had to blow it on a new one.  :-\

I noticed this also,

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: Baddmark on 2005 September 15, 16:54:17
Can I ask a question about the inventory? Is it possible to put sim-created paintings and photos in there and take them when you move?

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: MaxoidTom on 2005 September 15, 17:16:06
Can I ask a question about the inventory? Is it possible to put sim-created paintings and photos in there and take them when you move?

Yes, you should be able to do so.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: Kitiara on 2005 September 15, 18:41:42
I have often had buggy lots, the kind where the only cure is to move out and bulldoze, but was sometimes reluctant to do so because of what I would lose. I have one house, on the 14th generation with paintings of all family members, that REALLY need a fresh lot, but I didn't want to lose the portraits.
I just found a good reason to get NL.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: Baddmark on 2005 September 15, 22:45:57
Can I ask a question about the inventory? Is it possible to put sim-created paintings and photos in there and take them when you move?

Yes, you should be able to do so.

Thanks for that, I might put off a few impending moves for a while then. ;)

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 16, 05:28:12
Here's one--place a bed into your inventory when you move, and it's then broken.  It won't place the headboard against a wall, only the foot.  Annoying, since the idea was to SAVE money by taking the old bed.  Instead, I had to blow it on a new one.  :-\
I got that bug too. Also affected my culinary career reward, and my cowplant.
I also lost my extra want slots on my University graduates. One of them gained them back after moving in and out, another three never did, one never lost them, and the others I haven't played yet. The sims in question were all permanent platinum anyway, so I didn't mind much. I got blank icons on a couple of chars, but when they went to a community lot, it fixed.
I have no hacks in my game, installed the game after removing them all and a good deal of custom meshes to boot. Though of the ones I kept (custom meshes that is) when the house loaded they were curtains.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: laylei on 2005 September 16, 06:20:35
I've found one, a nasty one.

I bought a car for two different CAS sims (both times it was the cheapest one) and drove it to the cemetary (I want to meet a vampire!), only to have the car become unselectable. This meant my sim had no way to leave, since it blocked the taxi I called. I ended up having to delete the car using boolprop, meaning my Sim wasted her money. Not sure if it is any other car or any other lot... anyone else getting this?

Cars, what a waste.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: Zoltan on 2005 September 16, 06:42:17
yes, but even though the car blocked the taxi it eventually left (disappeared, and then back home)

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: knitro on 2005 September 17, 14:52:45
Ok, here's my latest bug, I have a lot in Fiesta Tech that won't load, everything else seems a-ok, my Sim State lot loads I don't know what the deal is, I'm going tomove them and see what happens.

Title: Re: Bugs found in NL
Post by: Hairfish on 2005 September 18, 02:16:17
I've found one, a nasty one.

I bought a car for two different CAS sims (both times it was the cheapest one) and drove it to the cemetary (I want to meet a vampire!), only to have the car become unselectable.

I can't even get a Sim into the cemetery. Every time I try to go there, it's stuck in Buy/Build Mode. Maybe it's the lot, and not cars in general. (I posted about this in the "What's Been Fixed in NL" thread.) Do cars work OK for you on other lots?

I haven't had any other problems with cars at all...unless you count the stereo being left on when the Sim gets out. I just don't have them turn the stereo on. Otherwise, they're working beautifully.