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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Inge on 2006 September 22, 14:58:15

Title: Stair animations gone missing
Post by: Inge on 2006 September 22, 14:58:15
Lately I have noticed my sims float up stairs (very quickly) instead of walking.  I have checked 3 sets of hacked stairs I have, one by Shaklin and two by Targa, and they don't seem to have pulled in any animations that they could have altered globally.

Can anyone think of a hack I might have that could be causing this?

Title: Re: Stair animations gone missing
Post by: jrd on 2006 September 22, 15:03:32
I've had this when I had some hack installed (either Monique or Squinge IIRC), which gave the ghost-walk option to all Sims. It also caused all Sims to glide up/down stairs (no feet walking) even if they were not set to use the walk normally.

Title: Re: Stair animations gone missing
Post by: Inge on 2006 September 22, 15:12:26
I've got stuff from both Monique and Squinge, but I don't remember anything that mentioned ghost walk.  Actually I don't think it's a ghost type thing they're doing up the stairs, they get up and down almost instantly.  In fact it's so quick I am almost not sure they're not simply snapping to the next slot rather than it actually being any sort of animation at all.

Title: Re: Stair animations gone missing
Post by: jrd on 2006 September 22, 15:16:44
Oh, an instant teleport? I have that in almost all custom stairs. Normal stairs still work fine, though.
Does it happen on all of them? Is it limited to modular stairs or full stairs?

Title: Re: Stair animations gone missing
Post by: Inge on 2006 September 22, 15:35:35
I just did another full check.  All modular stairs, including custom ones, have correct animations.  All ready-made stairs, Maxis or custom ones, have no animations

Title: Re: Stair animations gone missing
Post by: Weaver on 2006 September 22, 20:04:52
The only thing I can think of is the outdated version of Targa's 2-Tile Wooden Ladder stairs (
Aparrently there was an issue where the 'warp' behaviour was globally passed to all stairs.

Title: Re: Stair animations gone missing
Post by: Inge on 2006 September 22, 22:13:09
That could be it.  I'll try moving out Targa's stairs and see if that makes a difference.  Though I didn't see anything in them that *should* have been able to affect anything globally.  Still we don't know everything yet...