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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Mmmary on 2006 September 22, 08:13:52

Title: Business owner shows as customer
Post by: Mmmary on 2006 September 22, 08:13:52

Either I'm the first to encounter this annoyance or I seriously can't search... How can I convince my game that my community lot business owner is not a customer? Her face keeps showing in the customer loyalty menu with that little shopping trolley. It isn't normal is it? Or if it is, then I'm changing my question to "how can I convince all my other business managers to show as customers". As far as I know, this isn't causing any trouble really, it just annoys me. She can do all the stuff a manager should be able to do though, it's just that her face is in that stupid customer row.

I tried making her unselectable and selectable again, and deleting her, but it wasn't any use. Oh, and forcing error on her. When I brought her back, there she was again, indeed a customer. I have all the expansions + patches.

Title: Re: Business owner shows as customer
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 22, 09:08:41
That's probably a side effect of making a sim non-selectable at some point. Just ignore it, it's mostly harmless.