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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: croiduire on 2006 September 21, 17:53:38

Title: No Promotion Hack?
Post by: croiduire on 2006 September 21, 17:53:38
A couple of hours ago I was sure I'd once run across a simple little hack that would lock a sim at his current job level, preventing promotion. However, I've googled and googled, using every set of key words I can think of, and can't find it. Has anyone else seen such a thing? Thanks!

Title: Re: No Promotion Hack?
Post by: Ness on 2006 September 21, 21:01:38
you may like harder jobs in the absence of any such hack that you are searching for, it will do a similar thing effectively.

Title: Re: No Promotion Hack?
Post by: croiduire on 2006 September 21, 22:24:15
Regrettably, I can't yet afford OFB. I have a simpler non-Awesome variant already installed.

However, what I need at the moment is a mechanism to freeze the positions, and thereby the hours, of certain Sims so that they (well, I...) can avoid the need for nannies.

Title: Re: No Promotion Hack?
Post by: Weaver on 2006 September 21, 23:40:20
You could remove a certain required skill point using boolprop testingcheats, avoid chance cards and later assign the point (make a note).
A generous motion would be to sell skills to the reaper ( There are alternatives to nannies such as babysitter and NPC mods, if you are interested in that.

There used to be one available for The Sims but I'm thinking there was a promotion-freeze hack for base game located on some guy's outdated webpage.  ???

Title: Re: No Promotion Hack?
Post by: croiduire on 2006 September 22, 00:50:11
I just tweaked the career (he now needs 76 more friends...). I was trying to avoid that since I don't know the consequences of repeatedly changing the career parameters (since as soon as the kids are old enough, I'll want to change it back to a reasonable number again.)

In this house I'm trying to avoid outside childcare. On other lots I use nannies and on a few of the most affluent I'll generate an elder as a live-in housekeeper and nanny. Thanks, though! I appreciate the input.

Title: Re: No Promotion Hack?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 September 22, 01:14:38
that would lock a sim at his current job level, preventing promotion.

I've added a request for this option to be added to InSIM, it drives me nuts to have to remove skill points just to keep a poor stupid sim as a poor stupid sim that isn't capable of a higher level(better paying) job

Title: Re: No Promotion Hack?
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 September 22, 01:39:42
Perhaps it would be useful to some people if there was a hack where, instead of instantly promoting a Sim, instead you get a pop-up when they would be promoted giving them the option of accepting the promotion or not?  I know my dad has done this in real life because he's good enough at his job that he's been offered management positions, but he always refuses both because he doesn't want the responsibility (he's more comfortable working with computers than people) and because it's often the management that gets laid off when a company is trying to save some money.

Title: Re: No Promotion Hack?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 September 22, 11:09:17
I seem to remember there being a lot of talk about a hack that gave you an option to accept or reject a promotion.  But I can't remember if it was ever made, or if it was just a request.