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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MellissaSue on 2006 September 21, 16:05:43

Title: Meshes Showing Up As Outfits
Post by: MellissaSue on 2006 September 21, 16:05:43
I've been lurking here for a while (a week, maybe two) and I was hoping you might be able to solve this problem for me. The meshes I download from SimChic show up in the game as outfits that are available to wear. They're bright and blinding white and they're really kind of distracting. Is there anything that I can do to them to make sure they don't show up anymore?

Title: Re: Meshes Showing Up As Outfits
Post by: Simsample on 2006 September 21, 16:19:35
I think what you are probably seeing is a template texture that is included with the mesh to aid recolouring. You can safely delete that in Bodyshop or CAS and the mesh will still be in your Downloads folder.

Title: Re: Meshes Showing Up As Outfits
Post by: MellissaSue on 2006 September 21, 16:45:43
Thanks for the quick reply! I'll go try it out!

Title: Re: Meshes Showing Up As Outfits
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 September 21, 16:50:29
Seriously? Awesome! I'd been wondering that myself. =p

Title: Re: Meshes Showing Up As Outfits
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 September 21, 17:23:03
Yeah, it's talked about on the SimChic forum - they're the ones that are really bad for it.  Actually, you can even easily identify the file and delete them from your folder - it usually says template right in the file name.

Title: Re: Meshes Showing Up As Outfits
Post by: MellissaSue on 2006 September 21, 18:06:43
Yeah, it's talked about on the SimChic forum - they're the ones that are really bad for it.  Actually, you can even easily identify the file and delete them from your folder - it usually says template right in the file name.

I looked on the forums but I couldn't find anything about it. It must have been a while go because I think older threads get cut off. I deleted them and everything works great now. Thanks again *g*

Title: Re: Meshes Showing Up As Outfits
Post by: Brynne on 2006 September 21, 20:20:43
Oooooh gotta do that, too. I was wondering what that was all about. :P

Title: Re: Meshes Showing Up As Outfits
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 September 21, 20:26:49
I just read it like a week or two ago - I'm sure it's still there.  All crechebaby said was they were templates for making texturing easier.

Title: Re: Meshes Showing Up As Outfits
Post by: stormygsa on 2006 September 21, 21:51:08
Thank God!  I thought I was losing my mind.  I didn't remember downloading any white outfits (duh), but I was afraid to delete it. ::)

Title: Re: Meshes Showing Up As Outfits
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 September 21, 22:01:07
SeraSims does hers in black.  Problem is, she used a really similar, if not exactly the same, texture for some of her shirts.  So they look like crap.  Well, they did on my old video card, I have yet to see it on my new shiny one. :D