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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Braveheart on 2006 September 19, 17:08:41

Title: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Braveheart on 2006 September 19, 17:08:41
Could someone tell me what thumbnail file I delete in order to refresh all my sims' pics on the UI in the game? Thanks

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 September 19, 18:44:52
Those pictures are stored in the character file, not in tumbnails.
I'm not sure there is a way to refresh them en masse.

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 September 19, 19:39:16
the lot debugger can refresh them

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Venusy on 2006 September 19, 19:48:40
the lot debugger can refresh them
It can only refresh one thumbnail at a time. I think Braveheart wants every thumbnail to be refreshed.

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Ness on 2006 September 19, 21:01:40
There's nothing in the thumbnails folder that would apply to character thumbnails, I suspect it's just not possible to refresh them all at once.

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Soylent Sim on 2006 September 19, 21:40:51
Besides, the only reason to refresh thumbnails is because there are very few angles your sim looks good from.  Refreshing en-masse means the odds of everyone settling on a good one are vanishingly small.

If Braveheart wants to refresh specific NPC thumbnails, the best option probably involves the lot debugger and making them selectable.  Afraid I can't say with confidence what will happen if this is one of the oddball NPC's like PT, Crumplebottom, or the reaper.

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Braveheart on 2006 September 19, 22:30:38
Thanks for the advice people. I will try the lot debugger I suppose although I tend to be a little nervous about using that thing.

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Sagana on 2006 September 19, 22:36:22
Thanks for the advice people. I will try the lot debugger I suppose although I tend to be a little nervous about using that thing.

Goodness, why? The lot debugger is invaluable. Everytime I forget to have one on my lot, I discover I need it. And JM constantly updates it with new shiny useful stuff.

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Weaver on 2006 September 19, 23:33:30
If you have the Clothing Tool, it also has a "Regenerate Portraiture" option, in case you do not want to use the FFS Debugger.

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Frankenbeasley on 2006 September 19, 23:56:22
Being from the stoneage I simply make them 'change appearance' in the mirror to refresh their thumbnails when I want to - which is rarely. I don't change anything, necessarily, just go in to the screen and click the tick.

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: dizzy on 2006 September 20, 00:00:58
"Change Appearance" is a lot slower.

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Rose Outlaw on 2006 September 20, 00:31:57
Change Appearance does not always regenerate the thumbnail for me.

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 September 20, 00:51:44
Me neither.  It always regenerates a thumbnail if I actually change something, but if I've settled on the "perfect" appearance but the portrait stinks I'm just out of luck.  I finally decided to grab the lot debugger and it works (almost) every time.  (And I think the "almost" is simply a case of the game randomly rolling the same number twice in a row.)

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 September 20, 05:41:01
Besides, the only reason to refresh thumbnails is because there are very few angles your sim looks good from.  Refreshing en-masse means the odds of everyone settling on a good one are vanishingly small.

Changing to a new set of default skin replacements is also a very good reason for wanting to do this.  My aliens look very different in real life from their image in the phone book.

Title: Re: In game user interface thumbnails?
Post by: Rose Outlaw on 2006 September 20, 09:42:12
Your aliens in real life... hmmm, freaky.

Could it have any influence on the portrait regeneration if there are actions queued up for the selected sims? Sometimes it seems to me that when the sim is talking to someone, it's more likely not to get a new thumbnail, if anything happens at all.
Oh, and doesn't the clothing tool also have a regenerate portrait function?