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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: vecki on 2005 September 14, 08:37:58

Title: When you get an EP...
Post by: vecki on 2005 September 14, 08:37:58
Do you start the entire game from scratch?  In other words, reset the Maxis neighbourhoods and start all over again with Cass Goth about to marry Don?  Or do you just continue on your merry way?

I'd kinda like to reset the game and start NL clean, but I can't bring myself to go through Alexander Goth's teen years for the fourth time (I had to reset once before I got University due to lots getting corrupted, then I reset when I installed University).

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 September 14, 08:46:37
I think I'm going to try it out in a chean neighborhood without hacks and see what happens.  Then I might try my regular neighborhood as I will probably be itching to get them involved in the new stuff by then.

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: SciBirg on 2005 September 14, 09:59:13
This time I will reset the game. I have too many neighborhoods with too many character files and I am mostly sick of them anyway.

I am also trying to weed through my download folder. Does anyone have a good way to find out which hairfiles you want to get rid of? I don't understand the preview images Clean Pack installer uses, I just can't tell what the hair is supposed to look like from those. And Bodyshop is too annoying to use.

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: aussieone on 2005 September 14, 10:35:18
Step 1: I don't start over with anything. I make sure I remove my downloads folder to the desktop........then I load the new EP without hacks or downloads (hacks and downloads are usually in the same folder)

Step 2: I play the new Ep for a while, just to make sure it's playing as it should. Then when I'm satisfied it is playing ok, I introduce one hack at a time and play.

Repeat Step 2 until you're satisfied that all hacks/downloads a4re not affecting the is tedious, but I did this with University and so probs  :)

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: DrBeast on 2005 September 14, 10:51:25
For starters: I will NOT get NL BEFORE JM has made all his hacks NL-ready! He and a select few from others such as Jenflower. When this is done, I'll just uninstall EVERYTHING TS2 related and start from scratch.

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: SciBirg on 2005 September 14, 13:12:48
Problem is...that a few sites whose stuff I love don't exist anymore and I have paid for content from HolySimoly that I would like to keep too (the 50's fridge is my favorite!).

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 September 14, 15:13:20
This time I will reset the game. I have too many neighborhoods with too many character files and I am mostly sick of them anyway.

I am also trying to weed through my download folder. Does anyone have a good way to find out which hairfiles you want to get rid of? I don't understand the preview images Clean Pack installer uses, I just can't tell what the hair is supposed to look like from those. And Bodyshop is too annoying to use.

I have the same problem with hairfiles; I have tons of duplicates but apparently they have different file names so they don't show up as a duplicate file when I use the Clean Pack Installer and their previews look like..hmmm..I can't tell which is which. Deleting them from Bodyshop as you said is QUITE annoying, takes forever and doesn't actually get rid of the file in downloads. I only get to play the actual game for about an hour a day (if that) during the week and maybe a couple of hours on the weekends. I really hate spending so much time on tedious things instead of getting to play. Anyone have any suggestions on how they take care of things like cleaning out your downloads?

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: miramis on 2005 September 14, 15:17:28
I thought you could delete hair and stuff ingame using the mirror, or is that just objects in buy mode?  I'm pretty sure you can delete custom content in CAS though.

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: nectere on 2005 September 14, 15:38:00
Every time I have tried to delete any sims stuff using the mirror the game crashes.

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: miramis on 2005 September 14, 15:39:57
Does it crash in CAS aswell?

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: nectere on 2005 September 14, 15:43:24
yes, for me it does. The only way I can get rid of sims stuff is by using simpe to look at each and every file, noting the file name and then going in and deleting it from the folder. Very time consuming needless to say.

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 14, 16:02:58
I'm dealing with this right now. I have a huge downloads folder, and tons of hair and makeup files. I don't know which is which, but I'm sick of having to scroll through 100 default hairstyles in-game because the creator only did hair for one age group, or hair that makes me wonder what I was thinking when I downloaded it. Really bad hairstyles! Some hairstyles don't even have the correct thumbnail in the game. I don't know what it is until I click on it.

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: miramis on 2005 September 14, 16:13:23
My mistake, I thought it could be done. It seems odd though that the option is there, perhaps it's another bug?

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 September 14, 16:14:55
Yes, I can delete CC ingame in buy mode if it's an object or I can delete hairstyles in CAS but if I understand correctly, the file itself is still sitting in my downloads folder hogging up space.

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: Renatus on 2005 September 14, 16:26:04
That's odd. When I delete objects ingame or clothes/genetics/makeup in Bodyshop, they are gone. I know this because lately I've been going through my Bodyshop stuff with the CleanInstaller, disabling things I know I want to keep, firing up Bodyshop, and then deleting things I wasn't sure about - when I re-enable things via CleanInstaller, the things I deleted in Bodyshop don't show up. Similar with objects, I've deleted empty folders from my Downloads because I deleted everything in them in-grame. I haven't tried deleting anything through CAS, but I can't imagine why it would stay when deleting other things through the game gets rid of them for good.

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 14, 16:53:52
Doesn't deleting or disabling files in bodyshop change the file extension? I know that Simpe changes ".package" to ".off" when character files are disabled. I'm just wondering if I could I go through the files in simpe, disable the ones I don't want, then go in the downloads folder and delete the files with the changed extension.

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: Renatus on 2005 September 14, 17:11:27
For Bodyshop, not that I've noticed. I deleted quite a few things yesterday, and just to make sure I looked into the folder again just now - the files I deleted are completely and utterly gone. It's only when twiddling with them via CleanInstaller or SimPE do they get turned 'off', afaik, although when I delete them via CleanInstaller - not disable - they get really and truly deleted, too.

Title: Re: When you get an EP...
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 September 14, 18:16:38
Ok, if that's true that deleting CC in-game also deletes them from your downloads file that would be awesome; I was under the impression (for whatever reason) that wasn't what happened.