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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Witches on 2006 September 18, 16:17:43

Title: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: Witches on 2006 September 18, 16:17:43

Does anyone know the criteria for a sim being able to be hired to work at a business? It seems totally random to me. I can click on one sim and see the "hire" option and on another and it's not there.

Friendship points don't seem to matter. I've gotten the option on sims I'm not friends with at all. NPC or PC, it doesn't seem to matter either.

I have a specific sim I want to hire to work for a specific business but when I invite her to my business lot hiring her is not an option. She's a friend and a player sim but not a family member. I don't want to sit around until my biz owner is an elder, waiting for her to show up on that stupid "hire only these five sims" window you get when you choose Hire Employees.

Does anyone know how I can hire her?


Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: Karen on 2006 September 18, 17:36:33
Try Christianlov's Easy Computer:

The "Power Hire for Community Lot" option allows you to scroll through all available Sims, whether they are playables or NPCs, regardless of whether they already have jobs or not.  I have been using it for a while and it works great.


Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: MyPrecious on 2006 September 18, 18:54:43
Wow! thats really a naughty machine...but I downloaded for the same reason! yippee...thanks for the link ;D

Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: Witches on 2006 September 18, 19:19:08
Thanks for the tip!

Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 18, 20:44:26
Does anyone know the criteria for a sim being able to be hired to work at a business? It seems totally random to me. I can click on one sim and see the "hire" option and on another and it's not there.

Friendship points don't seem to matter. I've gotten the option on sims I'm not friends with at all. NPC or PC, it doesn't seem to matter either.

I have a specific sim I want to hire to work for a specific business but when I invite her to my business lot hiring her is not an option. She's a friend and a player sim but not a family member. I don't want to sit around until my biz owner is an elder, waiting for her to show up on that stupid "hire only these five sims" window you get when you choose Hire Employees.
For a sim to be hireable, assuming "no lame hires" is in place, he must not already be working a better "real job" (L4+), and he must not be hired by another business. Hiring a sim that already works for another business is a bad thing and will screw up the other lot when their employee goes missing, and then you need to hire that guy back, and you'll end up with this back and forth duelling which makes very little sense given that a sim doesn't simply settle with whatever pays him better.

There is a Squinge hack that stocks your hiring list with every single applicable sim in the game, so you can see the entire hiring pool at once. I would avoid the strange "hire absolutely anyone" computer as unpredictable consequences may result if you hire someone that you really shouldn't.

Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: jrd on 2006 September 19, 08:42:38
Doth mine eyes deceive me? I see the Pescado recommending a non-awesome hack?  :o

Seriously: I recommend that hack by Squinge. It allows you to pick the *right* candidate for the job and not just one of the four losers EAMaxis forces on you.
Squinge has another hack which allows you to hire more than 8 employees, which is good for mall-type businesses.

Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 19, 09:37:39
Doth mine eyes deceive me? I see the Pescado recommending a non-awesome hack?  :o
I was eventually going to do it myself after hitting "Reset Hireables" for the umpteenth time in the row and being presented with random useless schlubs. I decided driving in and out of the lot really didn't add anything useful anyway. But someone had already done it by then, and I'm not into the entire "Reinvent the wheel" thing. So I got that. It really illustrated how BAD the hiring pool really is once I could see the entire mess laid out in front of me.

Seriously: I recommend that hack by Squinge. It allows you to pick the *right* candidate for the job and not just one of the four losers EAMaxis forces on you.
Squinge has another hack which allows you to hire more than 8 employees, which is good for mall-type businesses.
Well, I wouldn't say it so much allows you to pick the right candidate, so much as that it hilights the fact that there is no right candidate, they're all wrong. I am tempted to create a custom employee hirer that will let you select an applicant built to your taste.

Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: siggylove on 2006 September 19, 10:08:10
That would be great if you could do that JM, I would definitely use that.

Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: travellersside on 2006 September 19, 10:38:07
I am tempted to create a custom employee hirer that will let you select an applicant built to your taste.

Now that would be awesome. Having a link on, presumably, the BRY controller which had the option to hire, then allowed you to choose from either all (preferably) or the top 5 sims who fill a particular job. Such as "Hire Cashier" calling up a list of all available sims with a cashier badge. It would be useful to have a separate option for "talentless" too, just so you could train up PC sims, or in case you'd used up all the good ones. Could be interesting if someone is eligible for several lists - if you wanted a restocker, but there were none left, should a silver cashier witha bronze restock show up or not?
Let's hope you're tempted further!

Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: Witches on 2006 September 19, 16:04:29
Thank you, Pescado! I found Squinge at Insiminator, which I belong to. I'll check it out.

The sim in question is a hall of famer. I didn't realize she couldn't be hired away. But I'm bored with her present job so I'll have her quit and then she should be hireable. If not, I'll get the Squinge hack.

Thank you! This sim has a gold level toymaker badge that will really help my sim's business.

On a completely unrelated note: I've got a sim who's still an adult who wants to retire from her job. Can she do this? I thought you had to be an elder ...

Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 19, 16:46:34

On a completely unrelated note: I've got a sim who's still an adult who wants to retire from her job. Can she do this? I thought you had to be an elder ...

Nope; she can quit, but she would have to be an elder to retire.  Can't say I've ever seen an adult get that want, though.  I've seen pleasure sims get wants to stay home from work, and to quit their jobs, but never one to retire unless they're an elder.

Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: Witches on 2006 September 19, 17:25:13
Her husband's an elder who's retired. Maybe she has retirement envy?  :)

Thanks. I didn't think so. It's not like it's an option when she calls work. She's just going to have to wait.

Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 September 19, 18:22:02
I've had a couple of sims who had a want to retire while still adults.  She wasn't even near becoming an elder, but had used several bottles of elixir.  I don't know if that was the reason.  That was before I got NL though.  I don't remember seeing it recently.  It really irritated me though because there was no way to achieve it.

Title: Re: Can't Hire Specific Sim
Post by: Ness on 2006 September 19, 21:37:02
I've seen it in sims that are about to age transition...  I wonder if it pops up because of the number of days the sim has alive, rather than which life stage they are in...  I've got twojeff's age duration mod, so that could change things a little.