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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: theisz on 2006 September 15, 21:24:16

Title: Bodyshop and CAS Blank Screens and Missing Content
Post by: theisz on 2006 September 15, 21:24:16
For quite some time I have been having issues with both Bodyshop and CAS.

When I go into CAS and try to create a male or female sim it is blank.  I can click the random button and then a sim will show up, but there it always loads blank.

When I go into Bodyshop I get the same thing, just blank space where the sim should be.  I can select a custom sim and it will show up, but when I try to change the hair or eyes I can't.  None of my hair or eyes show up, but skintones do.  So basically Bodyshop is now useless and dysfunctional.

I am using Nailati's face template replacements and Louis's skintones for defaults.  I have a buttload of CC so I guess it could be any number of things.

Has anyone come across anything like this before?

Title: Re: Bodyshop and CAS Blank Screens and Missing Content
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 15, 22:59:29
I've had thumbnails get wonky on occasion, where things wouldn't show up, or male custom sims would show up mixed in with the female custom sims. I solved it by deleting everything in the ..\The Sims 2\Thumbnails directory, and letting the game rebuild them.  Might be worth a try.

Title: Re: Bodyshop and CAS Blank Screens and Missing Content
Post by: Simsample on 2006 September 16, 13:45:00
theisz, does it work if you cut and paste your sims2 folder from My Documents/ EA Games to the desktop? This will cause the game to generate a new set of 'clean' folders, so will tell you if your trouble is caused by your content/ user data, or if the game needs reinstalling.

Title: Re: Bodyshop and CAS Blank Screens and Missing Content
Post by: theisz on 2006 September 16, 20:35:00
Sorry it took so long to reply.  I have been painstakingly going through each folder in my downloads trying to isolate which file was causing it.  It turned out to be a hair file of which I have no idea which hair as the file name was mixed numbers and letters, not an actual name.  It took me hours of copying a few files back into my downloads at a time and seeing if messed up, but at least everything seems to work in Bodyshop.  That totally sucked by the way. I must have opened and closed Bodyshop at least a hundred times testing files.  :-\

Now I have to load the game and see if it fixed the issue in CAS.  My finders are crossed.

This is what I get for having 15 gigs worth of downloads.   :P

Thanks for the replies.  It's greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Bodyshop and CAS Blank Screens and Missing Content
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 17, 05:30:42
All files without actual names should be summarily destroyed.

Title: Re: Bodyshop and CAS Blank Screens and Missing Content
Post by: BastDawn on 2006 September 17, 18:20:13
Recently I went through my downloads, stripped out all the files with codes instead of names, and then went back into my game to see the impact.  I took out over 150 files, but I was missing only 4 recolors I actually wanted.  Because I put all the files I removed into a folder on my desktop, I was able to browse through it with SimPE and find the 4 I actually wanted, leaving me free to delete the rest.  I'm planning to rip the textures out of the 4 and use them to make new recolors with real file names.   :P  I love this game, but it requires way too much maintenance sometimes.

Title: Re: Bodyshop and CAS Blank Screens and Missing Content
Post by: theisz on 2006 September 17, 19:45:54
All files without actual names should be summarily destroyed.

I concur.  I'm an asshat for even having them in my downloads.

Title: Re: Bodyshop and CAS Blank Screens and Missing Content
Post by: Rhaevyn on 2006 November 11, 18:13:45
I know this thread has basically died, but I am having the same issue.  But only in Body Shop.  I can see clothing, but no mannequin shows up.  I can't see any of my sims in Build Sims either.  There's lots of empty little green rectangles and nothing when you click on them.  I have no problems in CAS and game is fine.  I just got Pets and thinking maybe this is an issue and I should use older version of Body Shop?  I periodically delete my CAS thumbnails as well and just did this before even trying Body Shop. 

I really REALLY don't want to do what poor theisz did, I'd rather shove hot bamboo under each fingernail.

P.S.  JM?  Could you be more specific about what you mean by files without names?  I mean, if I look in my Downloads folder (and subs) umm, they all have names, some numeric, some alpha, some both.  I'm feeling the Alzheimer's here.

Title: Re: Bodyshop and CAS Blank Screens and Missing Content
Post by: nocomment on 2006 November 11, 20:05:19
He means files without partly readable names.  Some files are named 012345_User_Created_Name.  Other files are just random letters and numbers.

The randomly generated names are usually items that come with lots, but they also come when you install floors and walls using the Maxis installer.

Title: Re: Bodyshop and CAS Blank Screens and Missing Content
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 November 11, 20:05:51
He's talking about the files with undecipherable hex strings for names such as: f5faf0ae42403dc97f9feeae2907b78c.package that are created by the sims2pack installer.

Title: Re: Bodyshop and CAS Blank Screens and Missing Content
Post by: Rhaevyn on 2006 November 12, 03:49:02
Ah I see, thanks for telling me that.  Guess that means I need to delete half my downloads then  :'(

Also, update... I launched Body Shop from the Start > Programs > EA Games > The Sims 2 Open For Business and it works perfectly.  Stupid Pets version is just... blank.

I think I'll take my chances with my weird numbered named files.  I've been playing forever with it all without incident.  I regularly check for dupes in Clean Installer and hack checker, etc.  Just glad I got BS workin.  Thanks again guys.