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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Magicmoon on 2006 September 12, 19:33:35

Title: Help Me to Understand these AppErrors
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 September 12, 19:33:35
I am cleaning and organizing my downloads and want to clean up problems. Unfortunately, I don't understand the error messages very well.

In the app errors logs, I always get the same thing:

  • A large amount of duplicate audio resource instance ids which I've had since initial install before even creating a downloads folder.

  • The next section looks like stuff I should be able to fix, if you can tell me what the problem is. I don't know if it is recolors of items and should be ignored, or if one item is cancelling out another item, in which case I should find the 2 items and choose which to keep. There are about 15 or so of these type of errors about various objects. Example:

    ERROR TSObjectFolder: Duplicate Selector GUID 8c6a6fba.  First registered: Window - Privacy - 0,1 (def id: 16810 = C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads/Objects & Recolors/Rustic furniture/k8-Winter Wood Log Window/k8-winterwoodwindow-112405.package).  New: Window - Privacy - 0,1 (def id: 16810 = C:/Program Files/EA GAMES/The Sims 2 Nightlife/TSData/Res/Objects/objects.package)

  • The next section of the log contains a bunch of these:

    ERROR GZPersist: Cannot load dependent resource with group ID = 6f0038c0u, instance ID = 85268a8bff8cf218u, type = e519c933u
    ERROR GZPersist: Cannot load dependent resource with group ID = 6f003a7bu, instance ID = 2d60fd01ffc39a13u, type = e519c933u

  • The next section deals with more audio problems about various objects, most of which came with the game, but also some downloaded items.

By far the largest sections of the text are comprised of both the first and second sections that deal with audio problems, followed by the persistSerializer problems. The section that deals with duplicate Guids is the smallest section.

So what I'm asking is for someone to tell me which of these problems are normal, unfixable, fixable, dangerous, or benign; and what I should do to correct what I can. Thanks for anyone who takes their time to assist.

attached is a typical one of these appError logs

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Help Me to Understand these AppErrors
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 12, 19:45:32
Don't know about the others, but the audio errors are 'normal'.  Someone asked about them here in the past (many times, I think :) ) and they seem to be a common feature of Maxis' code -- it refers to stuff that must have been in the game in early development, that was either dropped along the way or renamed to something else. You can usually clear out the logs folder whenever you feel like it, unless you're looking for a specific error log.

Title: Re: Help Me to Understand these AppErrors
Post by: dizzy on 2006 September 12, 19:56:44
If you were a developer, this error log would be meaningful. Your log mostly indicates the usual audio errors you get from this game. Obviously, EA considers audio trouble to be a low priority, so audio bug reports end up on the bottom of their todo list.

Duplicated resources is faulty packaging. Nothing to worry about unless something is missing.

Various errors from the audio manager and effects manager are nothing to worry about. Unless it's an important audio bite or effect you won't even notice.

There is a lot of good stuff, though:

ERROR envscore: TSEnvironmentScoreManager - object found with negative niceness multiplier (Bed - Single - Expensive - E - Head)

This could explain why Quaxi's anti-censor is so slow (too busy filling the error log to perform well?):

ERROR MaterialParser: Error whilst parsing material definition 'censormaterial':
packed:/sims.matShad(70): Missing vertex program
      in command 'end'
      in definition 'CensorCompositingMaterial', line 28
      in command 'create CensorCompositingMaterial()'

Title: Re: Help Me to Understand these AppErrors
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 12, 21:26:20
Hmm, I use Quaxi's censor patch, and I don't see that error anywhere in my apperror.log.