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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ness on 2006 September 08, 23:20:47

Title: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: Ness on 2006 September 08, 23:20:47
Does anyone know if there is one?

I've always thought it would be a great fridge for a nursery, but I guess maxis thought differently and bottles aren't available from it (probably due to it coming in uni and all).  Chatting to others, it seems that it is a shared thought.

Does anyone know if someone somewhere has ever hacked it so that bottles can be got from it?  I'm tired of sticking great big hulking fridges in my nurseries!

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 08, 23:25:22
Yes, Christianlov has a hacked nursery fridge as part of his All-in-one/Nanny NPC line of stuff.  You can find it at MTS2:

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: Ness on 2006 September 08, 23:33:14
Thanks, Joe!

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: blubug on 2006 September 08, 23:56:19
I use this one Targa made at MTS2: It serves as a regular fridge (the Uni one converted into a normal fridge).

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 09, 01:08:57
Hmm, missed that one -- thanks!

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: Ness on 2006 September 09, 02:18:29
DAMN!!!  the Christainlov fridge is still a hulking full-size fridge!

I'll try the targa one some time

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 09, 14:16:10
I tried the Targa one last night in a house with twins, and it works great. The get bottle animation is a bit off (the sim still takes it from the 'top' shelf that's not there), but otherwise it's fine.

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: blubug on 2006 September 09, 14:31:09
I put it in all my nurseries, saves the hassle of taking the baby downstairs each time. (And I use it in a victorian home to feed toddlers, they don't come out of the nursery, my special nanny-maid sim takes care of them, unless some guests come over and want to see the precious new ones, only then are they dressed up and bought into the guest room) :)

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: veilchen on 2006 September 09, 14:38:15
Thank you Blubug. I always thought that the mini fridge was so perfect for nurseries, but unfortunately not usable for them. Targa is one of the modders I like, I just love his stairs.

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: blubug on 2006 September 09, 22:41:46
You're welcome! And yep, I have an obsession for Targa's stairs. There's also a great spiral staircase by XxHalfBloodPrincexX over there at MTS2, I even asked Piggi to make some recolors and she made them in that week, so I use the stairs anywhere possible. The animations aren't correct, but it's kinda better as it saves time, sims zooming up and down :) If you'd like some recolors: *and for the original staircase in case you missed it: black one (no recolors):
and the wood one:

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: veilchen on 2006 September 09, 23:18:44
Those spiral stairs will be perfect for business owners, thanks. The ascention stairs are great there, but this will give it a more professional look.

Arghh. I should've known better than to click on the Piggis link. What was I thinking?

/me imagines her DL folder as a big bloated entity that can't possibly take another download.

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: blubug on 2006 September 10, 10:53:52
LOL! I really shouldn't encourage people to download like me, sorry. I narrowed my Downloads folder from 9GB to around 5GB a few months ago, now I'm back up to 7,5 GB and all of it, stuff I carefully choose on sites, download, sort, recategorize and put in appropriate folders. I download something every day, the Sims2finds of Bines sims revue is my homepage! Sorry if I'm spreading my download addiction :D hehe

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 10, 15:42:47
I was at the point where I was starting to think I should trim my almost 4gb downloads -- and then I installed Glamour Life.  Don't know what they've done to the engine, but it loads in at least 1/2 the time OFB/FFS did, and maybe faster.  I haven't timed it, but I don't think it's much more than 2 minutes from clicking on the icon to the neighborhood screen, where it used to take close to 5 minutes before.  So now I can add more CC. :)

Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: veilchen on 2006 September 10, 15:50:49
/me gives Blubug and Joe the raspberry and turns yellowish green with envy


Title: Re: Hacked minifridge?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 10, 17:00:19
Arghh. I should've known better than to click on the Piggis link. What was I thinking?

Yea, I should have known better, too. :)  Already downloading stuff from there....