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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: holly on 2006 September 08, 21:08:38

Title: Does anybody know if there are recolors for this mesh?
Post by: holly on 2006 September 08, 21:08:38
I love the bump logo Pjs at http://WWW.all-about-style.Com/themes_maternity.HTML (http://WWW.all-about-style.Com/themes_maternity) 

And I was wondering if anybody knows of any recolors that are available anywhere or of a mesh that's very similar .

I have e-mailed  the lady who runs the site and asked her nicely to make some more. And would she mind if I had a go at re coloring it.

Title: Re: Does anybody know if there are recolors for this mesh?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 September 08, 21:12:27

Title: Re: Does anybody know if there are recolors for this mesh?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 September 08, 21:13:29
Remove the .HTML from the end, you can see it just fine.  Anyway, as for the pajamas, lots of people have recolours for them, I just can't think of the particular sites right at the moment.  Another site for maternity clothes is Sims2Cri.

Title: Re: Does anybody know if there are recolors for this mesh?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 September 08, 21:55:26
I'd love to see some of those as default replacements.