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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: lindaetterlee on 2006 September 07, 22:57:41

Title: Terrains. How to get the outline back??
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2006 September 07, 22:57:41
When the sims first came out wasn't there a outline around the terrain tool? If not, is there anyway to get an outline?

Title: Re: Terrains. How to get the outline back??
Post by: blubug on 2006 September 07, 23:05:03
That sometimes happens to me when the game is on for hours (or a very full lot) and at one point, the grass gets blurry, and I lose the terrain outlines. They seem to work on the smallest size better though. So, more of a graphics issue to me, and only happens in my game since I installed OFB.

Title: Re: Terrains. How to get the outline back??
Post by: Akharra on 2006 September 07, 23:12:22
Mine is gone, too. It's very annoying. I have OFB but I don't remember exactly when it went missing.

Title: Re: Terrains. How to get the outline back??
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2006 September 07, 23:36:38
Mine had been missing a while. I knew it was there. I have a great graphics card. No problems any other place. I THINK those bastards changed it.

Title: Re: Terrains. How to get the outline back??
Post by: Akharra on 2006 September 08, 00:44:11
 ;D  Yea, Yea! They did it! I bet they are laughing at us!

On a serious note..I had a heck of a time doing a beach that way! I'm glad it's not just me.

Title: Re: Terrains. How to get the outline back??
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 September 08, 00:55:02
I have the same problem and it annoys me to no end. I can still see it if I put the tool up against a wall, but that is useless!