More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Insanity Prelude on 2006 September 04, 23:33:07

Title: Will you guys make hacks for That EP?
Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2006 September 04, 23:33:07
You know which one. I'm kinda worried that there won't be Awesome hacks for it... not like I can expect people who seem to hate the very idea to support it.  :-\ And we all need Awesome hacks~

Title: Re: Will you guys make hacks for That EP?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 September 05, 01:29:47
There's already been discussion of mods that will be made for *that* EP, so I think it's a safe bet that there will be. ;)

Title: Re: Will you guys make hacks for That EP?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 September 05, 01:36:00
Well, supposedly if "Ye Olde SimPE" doesn't work anymore with the new expansion Pescado won't make hacks for it anymore.  OFB worked with the old SimPE even though the development stopped at Nightlife but that's not saying Maxis will change the code so the old one stops working for some reason with "Pets".  No doubt there will be people to update his hacks though if this does happen.

I'm certain that TwoJeffs and Crammyboy will make hacks for the new expansion, or at least update their existing ones.

Title: Re: Will you guys make hacks for That EP?
Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2006 September 05, 02:47:58
*blinks* SimPE isn't being updated anymore? Geez, I really am out of it.

Title: Re: Will you guys make hacks for That EP?
Post by: Venusy on 2006 September 05, 03:02:21
*blinks* SimPE isn't being updated anymore? Geez, I really am out of it.
No, Pescado won't update from Ye Olde SimPE because it has more functions than the new SimPE.

Title: Re: Will you guys make hacks for That EP?
Post by: neriana on 2006 September 05, 03:05:01
SimPE is being updated. However, the updates since Nightlife have apparently made it much harder to do any serious coding work. The "Olde" version still works with OFB, but if any new expansions introduce code that interferes with the Olde version, Pescado apparently won't bother with new or updated hacks.

Title: Re: Will you guys make hacks for That EP?
Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2006 September 05, 03:08:33
Ah~ I just went to the SimPE site and thought it had something to do with that .net framework 2.0 thing they were talking about on there.
:) Well, as long as there's still other people patching the holes Maxis leaves, it's all good. I'm looking forward to this EP, mock me all you like.