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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Fish Dude on 2006 September 02, 20:47:16

Title: Object error during special event camera.
Post by: Fish Dude on 2006 September 02, 20:47:16
Oops...i broke it

I was getting through 4 students through Uni and one graduated. I was running debug mode and the special event camera was turned on. In the middle of her growing up, an object error came up about a cow mascot and theres no cursor or anything to pick reset.  ???

Title: Re: Object error during special event camera.
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 September 02, 21:49:28
Attach the error log so someone might actually be able to help you. :P


Title: Re: Object error during special event camera.
Post by: Fish Dude on 2006 September 02, 21:53:11
Im not sure the error log is actually the problem, it just seems like bad timing. Here it is anyway.

Title: Re: Object error during special event camera.
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 September 02, 23:05:31
I've had that happen a few times.  I kinda moved the mouse around until one of the buttons highlighted, and I was able to hit reset that way.  It is a pain though.

Title: Re: Object error during special event camera.
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 September 03, 02:45:42
I've had that problem before.  It is possible, but extremely difficult for you to click the button with your invisible mouse when this happens.

Do you have NL or OFB?  If not, was it the "too many iterations" error?  That's the one that kept happening to me.  The only solution I found for this is to turn off the special event camera for all college move-ins and move-outs (because I needed to keep the testingcheats on so that I could make my sim age properly despite the error).  Buying NL fixed the problem entirely.

Title: Re: Object error during special event camera.
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 September 03, 08:00:33
Hrm... I dug through the code and it seems that the problem might have come from the evil mascot. The evil mascot is runs a BHAV called 'Perform Act of Evil' :P which is supposed to randomly select a sim to do the evil act on. Somehow, the bhav selected the cinematic placeholder. I'm not sure how this would happen since the Set to Next is supposed to limit the search to sims/persons. The code is even supposed to verify that the object id it randomly selects is a person.

Hrm... I searched through the disassembled code and even through the object.package and I couldn't find this 'cinematic placeholder' anywhere. Admittedly, I did a brief search, because it's just a lot of junk to look through. It could very well be that the name used for the object isn't the same as in the code, which just makes it harder to find. Oh well, maybe someone with better eyes can find it. I'm not sure why a test to see if this object is a person type would return true, unless it actually is like cloned from person type like objects. ??? If that's true, I was thinking about adding another test, to see if the object matches this specific type of 'cinematic placeholder' and skip it, but since I can't find it in the code, I don't even know what the GUID would be.

Again, sorry I wasn't of much help. :P


Title: Re: Object error during special event camera.
Post by: Fish Dude on 2006 September 03, 11:57:30
Oh well, i had to manually shut down my computer (the graphics on my computer goes weird and it crashes) and i only went back half a semester. So i played on from there.

Thanks for your help

Title: Re: Object error during special event camera.
Post by: Fish Dude on 2006 September 03, 20:26:40
After this, i seem to be getting some glitches in the neighbourhood screens. This is what La Fiesta Tech is suppost to look like  :P