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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Magicmoon on 2006 September 02, 08:18:41

Title: Private animations Errors on Comm lots
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 September 02, 08:18:41
I've received this error several different times, always while on a downtown comm lot. Different sims doing different things have spawned this similar error. This particular one happened when I directed a sim to buy coffee for a non-controllable sim. There are 2 errors here, as they occured back to back.

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Title: Re: Private animations Errors on Comm lots
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 September 02, 10:55:56
Do you have any unawesome hacks relating to:

1) Social Buy For - I assume this is related to buying drinks or expresso or what not.

It looks like the Error: Reference to tree tree parameter when no parameter exists. occurs when the initiating sim tries to run this interaction. It probably means it is trying to call a function/BHAV that is not defined.

2) Any hacks relating to conversations?

That other error is caused by not having a stack object. Perhaps the set to next did not find anything or it could be due to something funky with the stack object, since the value is 0. I think sometimes when using a NID, the value might be 0, or something funky like that, so you need to use neighbor person data when referencing the current object instead of stack object data.

It also looks like this 2nd problem is expresso related, since the conversation loop follows after taking an expresso. I would look for expresso related hacks and remove them to see if you no longer get the error.


Title: Re: Private animations Errors on Comm lots
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 September 02, 11:31:33
I don't have any mods for any of those things. Nothing for conversations other than macrotastics stuff, nothing for 'buy for' and nothing for espresso...the closest I have is coffeecuphack and Chinese & Coffee Sit Down.

Then tonight the dorm cook spawned an error related to the pancakes. The errors aren't making any sense.

Title: Re: Private animations Errors on Comm lots
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 September 03, 03:37:46
How very odd. Well, I did a bit more digging through the code and I have a headache now :P

1) For the social buy error, the code seemed straight forward enough. The line that it theoretically is barfing on compares the social interactions "Bar" attribute to determine if it is indeed in the "Bar" category. It then looks like, when it assigns this value to the Stack Object, it is 0... which seems to be bad. Either this means that the bar attribute was not properly initialized, the value was reset, or you have some hack that changes this BHAV.

Now, I am not quite sure what an "Error: Reference to tree tree parameter when no parameter exists." error is, but from the message, it appears that it is looking for a parameter that doesn't exist. This might be due to the stack object being 0. This means the "Bar" attribute was 0 for some reason. Unless you have a sneaky hack that changes this BHAV, in which case the code could be totally different. Is the bar that you have a custom made one or a Maxis one? If it's Maxis, then maybe, have you done anything recently that my have reset your game? Otherwise, I don't know why this would happen, unless it's possible to actually have objects with an id that is 0.  :-\ Someone with more experience will most likely know better than I, but I thought I'd at least offer some kind of explanation. Even though it's pretty worthless, lol.

2) For the conversations error, I looked through a lot of the code, and it seems that almost any interaction revolving around drinks (including coffee, regular drinks, bar drinks, etc.) make a call to the BHAV 0x7FD46CD0, Instance = 0x26C, Title = Conversation - Do and pass Param 0 as 0. Almost all other references to that bhav that involve conversations, including socials, chatting in bed, in cars, on sofas, etc. pass an actual value, usually the container (that the sim is inside) or whatever is the current stack object.

At first, I suspected that this might be the problem, but since I found that all other drink related references pass 0, and don't seem to generate errors, at least not in my game, then I don't know why this particular problem is giving you an error. Sorry I can't help.  :-\ Maybe someone more knowledgeable like twojeffs, Pescado, or jase might be able to take a look.


Title: Re: Private animations Errors on Comm lots
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 September 03, 05:46:32
Thank you. I understand the bar problem.

Recently I put in 'No instant loves' with Casual Romance. It made the bartenders not be at their bars until I either forced error on the bar or bought a new one. I thought I bought new ones at all the comm lots, but maybe I missed buying a new one for this lot.

As far as the communication error..the 2 errors occured almost back to back so maybe the problem with the bar caused further barfing that wouldn't have happened on its own?

Come to think of it, about the time I had those bar resets is when I started getting random errors on the comm lots. You've helped a lot by pointing me towards the bar. I never would have guessed that one, and I'm not very good at reading errors yet. I'm going around to replace all the bars and see if that helps.

Title: Re: Private animations Errors on Comm lots
Post by: crammyboy on 2006 September 03, 12:26:39
This problem was fixed in one of the patches. So if you have a bar that was made before the patch, it will need updating.