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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: kaydee on 2006 August 31, 17:20:21

Title: Weird sound/camera problem
Post by: kaydee on 2006 August 31, 17:20:21
Ancient Sim posted something about this earlier but it doesn't look like her question was ever answered.  Since it describes my problem EXACTLY (except for the fact that mine's happening in a dorm rather than in downtown), I've copied it here:

What happens is that the action appears to be taking place beyond the lot insofar as if I right-click on my Sim, I will be taken way across the road - sometimes I can see my Sim in the distance, sometimes I can't see them at all.  While I'm way across the road I can hear all the conversations and sound effects, whereas if I am actually in the middle of the lot I can hear nothing, or very distant sounds.  For example, I can be totally up-close to a table where Sims are dining and hear nothing.  Also, if I move slightly to the right or left, I am taken right off the lot again and I appear to be sort of below the lot when I am close-up.  It's hard to explain, but it makes it very difficult to play these lots.  It's not just downtown lots incidentally, it can happen on any community lot, including in the main neighbourhood, but it never occurs on residential lots.

From Ancient Sim's thread, it appears that GunMod's camera hack was not the problem (which I do have installed).  Any other suggestions??  It's driving me BATTY.  Thanks!