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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: pioupiou on 2006 August 25, 16:05:45

Title: N001_User00008.1.package ???
Post by: pioupiou on 2006 August 25, 16:05:45
I noticed only recently that my game creates 2 packages each time a waiter is created : N001_User00008.1.package and N001_User00008.package.
The one with .1. seems to be the real one (face data, age data etc...) and the other one is pretty small (1 Ko).
does someone have an idea of what is causing this ??
I don't know when it's started (I recently reset all my neighbourhoods). I have Uni, NL, OFB and FFS, with the most recent patch (no holidays pack), and a lot of hacks (awesome and non-awesome)
Any help appreciated, thanks
PS: as far as I can tell, it doesn't seem to cause any problem in game...

Edit to add: I found some ".1.package" in my old backup from my old neighbourhoods in date of june 2006. Never noticed a problem with waiters then, but I never moved in one of them with my sims...
The files are from the 28/03/06, maybe it's an OFB related problem ??

Title: Re: N001_User00008.1.package ???
Post by: Theo on 2006 August 25, 16:14:56
Someone reported the same thing (,5216.0.html) happening in the game.

It appears to be harmless, but I'm not certain on what could cause this.

Anyway, I want you to do a little experiment with SimPE ;D:
Extract all resources from the N001_User00008.1.package file, and add them to the main N001_User00008.package file.
Then delete the .1.package, and see if the game doesn't barf ;).

Title: Re: N001_User00008.1.package ???
Post by: pioupiou on 2006 August 25, 16:18:52
Thanks for the quick answer. Maybe one day when I have time, I'll try to do what you suggest. I don't have lobonanny but I do have the waiterfix....
Thanks for directing me to the other thread.