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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: pseudonymph on 2006 August 25, 00:06:35

Title: Stop f'ing cooking in restaurants you don't own or work for!!
Post by: pseudonymph on 2006 August 25, 00:06:35
is what i think when my stupid ass sims go to a diner/restaurant and decide to cook and serve meals for other sims. wtf. is this an OFB glitch?? i checked all my hacks with sims2installer, but i couldn't find any that'd possibly conflict with how restaurants work in the game. is there a hack to fix this? if i'm not being clear, here's a scenario:

my sim lena went to a diner with her husband 'cause they were hungry, i clicked on the podium, and the waiter took forever to seat them, so lena took it upon herself to go in the kitchen, get out a pack of chicken...and she made fried chicken. she sat down and ate it. is there a way to make my sims stop doing this in restaurants they don't own or work for, just let the NPC's do their job. sheesh! you go there to BE SERVED, so do that!

i saw crammy's nocommunitylotserve hack, but i don't think that'd fix this prob.

Title: Re: Stop f'ing cooking in restaurants you don't own or work for!!
Post by: MyPrecious on 2006 August 25, 00:24:19
Yes there is a hack called something, like "no cooking on community lots"? (not sure if thats what you mean?) But I'm buggered if I can remember where it is sorry. Try taking the fridges out of the restaurants; they are not needed by the cooks and its stops the idiots leaving food that rots when they can't get near the stove due to the cook.

There is also hack for faster seating/no yapping on the phone for the podium but again I have no clue where it is…sorry ;)

edit- I found it- the "nopodiumphonecalls" hack is at  Insiminator

Somerset Cider prevents the link to the page ;D

Title: Re: Stop f'ing cooking in restaurants you don't own or work for!!
Post by: pseudonymph on 2006 August 25, 00:30:43
thank you!! yeah, must be the fridges...maybe i was playing a pre-OFB lot. ;)

Title: Re: Stop f'ing cooking in restaurants you don't own or work for!!
Post by: MyPrecious on 2006 August 25, 00:32:02
no worries ;)  I hated that too ;D

Title: Re: Stop f'ing cooking in restaurants you don't own or work for!!
Post by: pseudonymph on 2006 August 25, 00:38:58
i think the hack you were referring me to was the.."less attractive podium" hack?? i remember seeing it somewhere, but i can't remember if it was here,, or MTS2. grr! i'm doing some searching now. i'll find it eventually.

Title: Re: Stop f'ing cooking in restaurants you don't own or work for!!
Post by: MyPrecious on 2006 August 25, 00:52:09
"nopodiumphonecalls" is at

but I have no clue which page? ???

Title: Re: Stop f'ing cooking in restaurants you don't own or work for!!
Post by: pseudonymph on 2006 August 25, 00:54:09
"nopodiumphonecalls" is at

but I have no clue which page? ???

I saw this at MTS2 as well. thanks, hun.

Title: Re: Stop f'ing cooking in restaurants you don't own or work for!!
Post by: MyPrecious on 2006 August 25, 01:21:22
You are welcome,  ;D the "getseated faster" hack is good too, I use both and have stopped pulling my hair out when dating (ok almost, don't get me started, and this is without crumple-deranged LOL)