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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: twistingsims on 2006 August 23, 23:53:02

Title: Maxis Clothes losing textures!
Post by: twistingsims on 2006 August 23, 23:53:02
My sims are sometimes showing up with their maxis clothes meshes but not textures!  Instead of the regular textures, their meshes are only showing the codes, letters and symbols, instead.  Is my graphic card going on me?  ???

Title: Re: Maxis Clothes losing textures!
Post by: DarkEmpress on 2006 August 24, 04:57:27
It's not your video card. Somewhere, somehow, your textures corrupted themselves. I had it happen to the darkest Maxis skintone for babies, toddlers, and kids. I re-installed the game and everything went back to normal again. You could also try copying just the files you need from the CD to your folder. It would be quicker than re-installing, but I don't know if it will work.

Title: Re: Maxis Clothes losing textures!
Post by: Simsample on 2006 August 24, 08:09:12
Try replacing the objects.package file:

Title: Re: Maxis Clothes losing textures!
Post by: twistingsims on 2006 August 24, 19:52:00
thank you all very much for your answers, at the present time, after cleaning up my hard drive of temp files and doing another defragment, its seems to be okay for now.  Of course if I do see that again, I will definitely be refreshing the objects.package file.  :D

Im just very glad its not my video card yet!  ;D

Title: Re: Maxis Clothes losing textures!
Post by: Gwill on 2006 August 26, 09:21:34
Defragmenting is not going to fix broken textures, but it won't do any harm.