More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: cwieberdink on 2006 August 23, 15:18:37

Title: Stove troubles redux
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 August 23, 15:18:37
Instead of digging up my old thread and resurrecting it, I thought I'd try again.  I am having that same trouble in some houses only with the make many.... command on the stove.  The sim will jump out of the interaction.

last night is happened in Emma's MATY contest house (furnished version).  I moved a newlywed couple in and had her try to make many.... in the kitchen and got the error again.

Log is attached.  It seems to reference a bunch of random stuff including the poker table, the bathroom and the bathroom controller.  What that has to do with making food, I have no clue.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 23, 15:38:20
Are both the stove and the fridge you're using Maxis ones or custom?

Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 August 23, 15:42:51
Well, the house started with Maxis only content (because JM doesn't have custom content), but I put in a custom fridge.  In the houses I've had this before though, it made not a lick of difference if it was cc or not. 


Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 23, 16:01:46
This appears to be the work of the non-awesome. Some hack you have is corrupting the "Make" trees, or perhaps your fridges do not support this interaction because they are non-awesome.

Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 August 23, 17:42:41
Well, you were right about it being a hack.  Now to figure out which one.  I took out all non-awesome hack folders.  Have to do the tedious thing of replacing them all now one by one.  Bleh.


Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 23, 17:45:51
That is the price you pay for the use of the non-awesome. Such is the life of the Dumb and Cwieberdinkly One.

Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 23, 18:04:09
If you're using a custom fridge cloned before OFB (or cloned after OFB without OFB files included), the Make Many options is not going to work, even if the options shows up on the stove. The action is going to drop off the queue.

Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 August 23, 19:15:56
Hmmm.. I wonder if that's it.  I did also replace the fridge.  Off to do more testing.  I hate this part of using modded files.


Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 23, 19:19:15
That's why you should stick to Awesomeware.

Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 August 23, 21:10:23
Awesomeware doesn't always include ALL the awesome things I'd like to have in my game!  Although all awesomeware that is available is in the game.


Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 August 23, 21:13:56
I agree.  There are a lot of awesome hacks out there that, while not Awesome (tm), are still rather awesome.

Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 25, 09:16:29
Any news on if the problem was fixed by using a Maxis fridge?

Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 August 25, 13:54:29
No, I haven't had time to play since then.   :P


Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 25, 16:45:19
OK, well, let us know when you do, because I'm curious  :).

Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 August 27, 19:49:41
Okay, it is the fridge, not a hack.  Replacing my custom fridge with a maxis one fixed the problem.


Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 August 27, 21:25:59
Where's the fridge from?

Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 August 27, 22:03:33
It's a couple different fridges that do it.  But that explains why it was happening in some houses and not others.


Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 28, 04:29:11
Where's the fridge from?

This would happen with any custom fridge cloned before OFB (or even after OFB if they exclude the OFB files when cloning).

Title: Re: Stove troubles redux
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 August 28, 20:19:00
Thanks, Ignorant Bliss. I did read that earlier. My thought process must have been lost in the translation. :) I shall refrain from more stupid questions...for at least the next five minutes.