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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Magicmoon on 2006 August 22, 15:25:57

Title: Trouble with Dates in Cars
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 August 22, 15:25:57
I have a couple of scenario types that are giving me trouble with cars.

1. Ask a date to meet on Community lot. Choose drive own car instead of Taxi.

This usually ends with the caller standing around looking stupid. He doesn't get into the car to leave on his own, and if he clicks on the car the option to 'drive to community lot' doesn't appear on the menu. Soon he gets the message "You stood me up. Don't call me again!". The option to 'drive to community lot' then reappears on the menu.

2. Teen siblings decide on a night out and choose to go by car. Choose 'multiple sims' when asked who is going.

If there is a toddler or baby in the house, the 'who will be babysitter?' dialog pops up. Then the other parent and younger siblings all pile into the car to go along. If no babysitter is needed, then the whole family piles into the car. If the same scenario is done with a taxi, then the dialog pops up asking who is going and the right sims will go.

(I can make the teens do a casual group and then only their group goes, but if I forget to end the group as soon as I get to the community lot, one follows the other one around instead of mingling).

Am I doing something wrong or is this the Maxis way and the cab only works right because of 'phone hack'?

Title: Re: Trouble with Dates in Cars
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 August 22, 17:58:06
You're doing something wrong.  In the case of the date, I'm not sure what, since I've always been able to click on the car and get "drive to community lot."

With the teen siblings, you need form a group first.

You "ask | to form casual group," and then you'll get the option "XYZ's group" when clicking on the car.

Alternately, use the phone to create a group with just the two siblings.  Or you can include friends from other lots as well.  Then use the phone again to "invite to community lot," and specify the group.  Then click on the car after you get the confirmation that everyone is coming.

 - Gus